Chapter Eleven

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It's been a week since I heard the news. I couldn't believe it. I was going to die? I let out a sigh, clutching my bag tightly with my hand. I used to hate being able to see colours, but now I really hated it. I wasn't going to be able to save people . . . I was a failure. A fucking failure. I'm such an idiot. To think I could ever—! I was cut off as I bumped into somebody, hearing the familiar growl of none other than Bakugou Katsuki. "Sorry, Bakubro!" I smiled, and for once it was finally genuine. How can I be upset around him? He's too pretty. "Watch it, hard-head." I smirked at the nickname. That was a new one. He reached out a hand, and I used it, standing and grinning. "Sorry," I chuckled. "Come on, let's head to class!" He nodded softly, and I swear I saw the smallest little trace of a smile on his lips. Wow, did I make him smile? We walked down the hall in a comfortable silence, before his voice broke it. "Kiri." Holy—did he . . Did he just call me Kiri? My whole face heated up, and it felt like it was burning, and I knew I was blushing.

"Y-yeah?" Shit, I stuttered. Oh god, why did I have to stutter? "What's up with you lately. You seem down, it's not like you." He poked my forehead. "Those insecurities aren't coming back, are they?" I smiled. Bakugou and I were very close, and we knew a lot about each other. Other people didn't really know, but we're like family. Except you don't fall in love with your brother. Well, not normally at least. I brushed off his hand, and laughed softly. "No, not at all!" His eyes, they hurt. That colour was what would lead to my death. "Don't worry about it, Baku." He rolls his eyes. "I'm worrying, shitty hair. Hey, as much as I hate to say it, I care about you." He cringed at the word 'care', it was cute.

"And I don't like seeing you sad. So stop being sad." He flicked my forehead, and I laughed. "Alright! Will do!" He smiled, a genuine smile, before it faded. "Is this about you not having a soulmate by chance?" He cocked his head, and my heart nearly stopped beating in my chest. He's too cute! "No! Not at all. Don't worry about it." I laughed. "You were at the hospital. I tried to see you, but Fat wouldn't let me. Idiot. Even octo-arms wouldn't." Octo-arms? Is that what he calls Tamaki now? I burst out laughing. "Hey, what's so funny, shitty hair?" He looked annoyed, but I could see the glint of amusement in his eyes. "O-octo-arms?" I repeated, cackling, tears in the corner of my eyes. This is why I loved Bakugou.

Why I loved Katsuki.

"Yeah, what am I suppose to call him? Chicken legs?" I laughed harder at that, god, this boy. "H-his name is Tamaki!" I cackled out, and he rolled his eyes. "And since when do I ever call anyone but you by their name?" He smirked. He had a point. "But seriously, octo-arms?" I snickered again at the name. Poor Tamaki. "Chicken legs?" I burst out screaming with laughter. "Shut up! Let's get to class, shit hair!" He grabbed my arm, and began to pull me, but it wasn't violent. This is the real Bakugou Katsuki, when he isn't desperate to prove, and when he opens up, he's actually a good guy. That's why I love him, and what I love about him.

My best friend. My love. The only one I will ever love.

Bakugou Katsuki.

I'm not dead, yay! Sorry for not posting much guys, some stuffs been going on, but I am ALIVE, WOOOOOO, and I've been super excited to write this more, so I had to, so, here's a chapter (:


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