Chapter Four

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A few more rounds and so far the high score has actually been Mina. It was my turn coming up, and I was anxious. I'd never tested my quirk in the water, I'd always just known it was good on land, and that had always been good enough for me . . I chewed my cheek, hiding my nerves. Nothing on my costume would weight me down, right? No. Everything was fairly weightless. I wanted it to be designed like that, so it was. And my quirk will let me sink, but it doesn't affect anything inside my body like my lungs. I should be okay. I was snapped out of my thoughts by a finger being rammed into my ribs. "Ow!" I groaned, looking at Bakugou. "What was that for?"

"Kirishima." I paused, looking at Aizawa. "You're next." I nod, muttering a quiet 'thank you' to Bakugou before heading over to the starting area. Mineta was slow as fuck, so I sat there for a long time. Finally, it was my turn, and I dove in. I made sure to take a big gulp of air before my body made contact with the water, the coldness of it shocking me a little but I shook my head, and began swimming around, not using my quirk yet. I noticed the first dummy I could get, stuck in some vines. I swam down, and tried to untangle it, failing. I hardened my hand and used it to slice satisfyingly through the vines, bringing the body to the surface and hauling it over the side of the pool, filling my lungs once again and diving back down into the depths of the water. This should be easy!

This was not easy. The second dummy was so frickin deep down I almost felt my skull pop in, because it'd slipped out of its trap and sunk, and the third I got caught in some vines and almost drowned. I fucking love UA training. When I finally got unstuck and the last one up, I hauled my ass out of the pool and panted heavily. "Kirishima." I lifted my head, seeing him write down scores. Mine was, so far, the lowest. Great. "I know . ." I panted. "But one slipped down to the bottom . ." I explained, gesturing to one dummy. I knew he wouldn't take excuses, so I stood and headed off to the changing room to dry off, but not before watching Bakugou throw himself into the water. He'd done the smart thing and slid off his gloves, since he could in a real situation.

Once I got a towel I felt somebody reach over my head. A soaking wet arm. I turn around. Bakugou. "What? You're already done?" He nodded, and began to dry himself off. "Holy shit!" I began to towel myself off, too. I knew he was amazing, but not this amazing.

"Well," he chuckled, his smirk almost seductive, drawing me in. "I have my ways." He licks his lips, getting closer, and all I want is to kiss them. So I do. And he kisses back. And it's like all my fantasies because my tongue goes in his mouth and the tonsil tennis begins, and I totally dominate.

Except I don't, because it's not real. Much to my displeasure of course, but Bakugou has a soulmate, he has a soulmate who can make him happy, who can make him see colour. I can see colour. I don't have a soulmate. I'll die alone. At least Bakugou will be happy. "Shitty hair, you alright?" He asks, and I notice that I've been staring off into space. "Haha," I laugh nervously. "Yeah! Sorry for worrying you, bro!" I finish drying off. "I wasn't worried." He barks back, but there's not bite in his words. Bakugou Katsuki. Whoever your soulmate is, they better realize how fucking lucky they are. I frown softly, but quickly cover it up with my signature shit eating grin as he finishes drying off. "Let's go." He mumbles as more people file in to get dried off. I nod, and we head out, me having a bit of a happy skip in my step.

I'm good at hiding the fact that I'm sad. But I can't be sad. I have to be happy, for Bakugou. Because he'll find his soulmate. And it'll be okay. It won't be me, but it'll be okay. Bakugou will be happy.

Bakugou will be happy . . .

I'm so not used to updating so much haha, but since I have a nice streak going and stuffs been going pretty okay I thought I'd update again!


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