Chapter Nine

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I sighed as I laid on my back, tossing a ball into the air and catching it. I was bored. It was the weekend, and I didn't know what I could do. Kaminari would be awesome to hang out with, but ever since he and Sero admitted their feelings, they have been inseparable, and I don't want to be a third wheel. I get up, and decide to go for a run. Just as I'm getting ready, I hear a knock at the door. Who could that be? I walk over and open it, smiling instantly as I saw the most beautiful blonde ever. "Hey, Bakubro!"

He grumbled, and walked in, past me, and sat down on my bed. I closed the door, leaning against it. "What's up?" He sighed. He looks like he's thinking really hard. "Shitty hair, what's colour like?" He looked . . sad . . "Well," I chuckled softly. "It's quite pretty, but I can't see red. It hurts my eyes too much. It's weird to explain." He nodded softly. "Why do you ask?" I cocked my head, gazing at him curiously. He let a sigh escape his lips, and stood, staring me dead in the eyes. "I want to know who my soulmate is." He spoke clearly. "And I feel like I might know who it is." My eyes widened, and my heart broke. "O-oh . ." I looked down. "That's awesome Bakugou!" He kept talking, stepping closer to me slowly, like a predator stalking its prey. "I've done some reading on it, and there's a very rare condition where some people can only see some colours. It doesn't mean they don't have a soulmate. It could mean they don't, but sometimes it just means that they'll be closer to their soulmate than they know." He was now right in my face, his arms on either side of my head, pinning me to the door. "Kirishima Eijriou." I gulped. "Y-yes?" I could tell my face was hot, I was blushing. So was he. It was soft, and pink, and cute. "If you don't want this, you can push me away." He lips came closer to mine, and I felt them brush mine. Was this real? Suddenly, they were connected. Oh my god—it was real wasn't it? I kissed him back, no hesitation whatsoever. I loved him! I loved him so much! "Ishima . ." What? "Kiri . . ma . ."

I opened my eyes, unsure of where I was or what was happening. "Huh?" Was that . . A dream . . ? "W-where am I?" Tamaki and Fat were standing over me, both smiling. "Thank god. You suddenly passed out after you returned a little kid to their mother. We found you unconscious and rushed you here." Fat explained. "I . . I think it's related to why you can see colour." Tamaki explained. What? "Kirishima, it's rare, but I think it may be linked to why you see red so vibrantly." What did that mean? "Kirishima. You're probably going to die . ." What?

Hi! I'm not dead! Sorry for not updating in awhile, and yes, I do have an actual plot, and I'm so sorry that this is turning into one of those weird cliche stories, but I have a plan. Okay? Okay


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