Chapter Thirteen

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I waited for my dream to end, and kissed him back, but the end never came. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped mine around his neck, tangling them in his hair. This was really happening. The Bakugou Katsuki was kissing me! What the hell was going on? This had to be done sick joke, right?

Yet it wasn't a joke, and the second we parted, I didn't dare open my eyes, afraid. What if we weren't soulmates? What if I still couldn't see that beautiful colour? What if—what if—? I was cut off by the sound of Bakugou's amazing whisper of "wow", and it was enough to convince me to open my eyes. Right in front of me, was the most beautiful colour I had ever seen. "So this is what it's like to see colour . ." He chuckled softly, before ramming his lips forward into mine again, I didn't even hesitate to kiss back, more than happy with this. This was my soulmate. Bakugou Katsuki. My soulmate. My heart was doing somersaults and I felt ready to just cry.

I pressed right into his body, before we parted yet again. "We should probably head back downstairs. The others must be wondering where we ran off to." Bakugou grumbled, and gave me one last kiss to the cheek, holding me tighter, showing no signs of letting go. "Bakugouuu," he pressed a single kiss to my neck, before bringing his lips to my ear. "Call me Katsuki." His voice was low, quiet, and just so, so hot. I blushed, and he let go of my waist, turning and heading downstairs. "Come down whenever you're ready, shitty hair." He winked, and left, and I screamed into my pillow. Bakugou Katsuki was my soulmate! And it wasn't a dream this time! How did I manage to score this? I wasn't going to die, I wasn't going to fail at being a hero, I was going to succeed and, even better, I was going to succeed with my absolutely perfectly explosive soulmate at my side!

I went to the bathroom, attempting to splash water on my face, before I remembered we had no power. I laughed at my own stupidity. Idiot. I shook my head, and took a few, deep breaths, before calming down enough to head back downstairs. I seared myself next to bakugou, most of the students already asleep, and the others on their phones or reading books. I laid myself down, making sure not to be too close. I wasn't sure how he wanted to proceed, but I'd go at his pace. He smiled at me, before taking my hand under our shared blanket, and falling asleep. His face was so soft, and calm. And his lips were still kiss swollen. To be fair, so were mine. He was perfect. And he was all mine. My soulmate.

My Bakugou Katsuki.

I know this chapters short, and I'm horribly sorry for that! I'm considering if I should continue for a few more chapters or not, what do you guys think?


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