Chapter Twelve

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It was absolutely pissing rain. It was so rainy and thunderstorm and just everything that after school we all instantly went back to the dorm and got lanterns ready for when the power went out. Which it did. Now we all huddled in the living room with the fire going, all huddled in a fort we'd made of blankets and chairs and just close. Except Mineta. Everybody was saying away from Mineta. Sero had a blanket over the shoulders of the pikachu knock-off in his lap, and I was sitting next to—but not too close—to Bakugou, who was wearing a thin sweater and loose sweat pants with socks. He had slightly flushed cheeks and looked cute. Really cute. I wore an oversized black hoodie with big bubble letters saying CRIMSON RIOT on the front of it, baggy sweat pants and oversized, almost fluffy socks. I was comfortable, and my hair was down, covering my ears and somewhat eyes. Deku was sitting with Todoroki, nuzzled into his warm side to heat up, and clinging to him. Mineta was burrito wrapped in the far corner where he'd been exiled to after trying to touch Momo.

Sitting next to Bakugou made my heart flutter. I wanted to kiss him, hold him, tell him I loved him. "Hey! Let's play Truth or Dare to pass the time." Mina suggested, her grin wide and eyes lit up with excitement. "I'm in." Kaminari said instantly, Sero nodded in agreement. "Alright, I'm in." I smiled, and Bakugou huffed. "You in dude?" He shook his head. "Okay. Suit yourself." We all stayed where we were, and Mina went first since she suggested the game. "Alright . . Hmm . . Todoroki! Truth or—" "I'm not playing." He interrupted her. "Awwww, no fun! Fine, Midoriya, truth or dare?" He blinked. "Hmm . . . Truth." "Pussy." Bakugou growled. "Hey, be nice Bakubro, you aren't even playing!" I laughed softly. He grumbled, and shrugged. "Alrighty. Well, dare then, kachan. Dare." Bakugou growled at the name and I laughed.

"Give Todoroki a lap—" "TRUTH!!" Deku quickly yelled. "I-I go back to truth . . ." He covered his red face. Mina burst out laughing. "Okay, fine. Are you two soulmates?" Deku nodded, and nuzzled into Todoroki more, who pulled him into his lap. "Lap dance! Lap dance!" Kaminari started cheering, and Sero laughed. "Lap dance! Lap dance!" He joined in. "Hey," I chuckled, intervening. "Careful what you wish for. It's Deku's turn to go." He turned to me. "Truth or dare, Kirishima?" I smiled, and thought for a second. "Hmmm . . . Dare." He smiled. "I dare you to kiss kachan on the cheek." My whole face went as red as my hair. "O-okay . . That good with you, Bakubro?" He didn't respond, just shrugged, groaned, and huffed. So I did. I leant over, and gently, shyly, quickly pressed my lips to his cheek, eyes held softly closed. My heart was beating so fast in my chest I didn't even know what to do. I wanted to barf, I felt so nauseous. What if he hated me now? I shook the thought out of my head, and we kept playing.

!time skip!

After the game, it was late, so we decided to call it a night. We're all sleeping out in the living room since it's cold. "I'll be right back. I forgot something in my room." I said, grabbing a flashlight and heading upstairs to my room. I thought I heard footsteps behind me, but I brushed it off. When I got to my room, I changed into a thicker sweater that was tighter and hugged my arms better so my sleeves wouldn't roll up in my sleep. I heard the door open, and close. I quickly spun around, coming face to face with the angry ash-blonde known as Bakugou Katsuki. "Hey, Bakubro! What's up?" He didn't respond, just slowly walked towards me. Uh oh. I am so dead!  I backed up, and he kept moving forward, and soon I was back against the wall, hands held to my chest, and gulping. Bakugou placed his hands on either side of my head, pinning me. "You missed." I blinked, confused. "W-what . . ?" He smirked, exposing those hot fangs. "Earlier. You missed." Wait, did he mean—? Before I had time to finish that thought, I was being kissed.

Cliff hanger? Sorta haha


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