Chapter Fourteen

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It's been a week since me and Bakugou got together, and we've agreed to keep it a secret for as long as we can to avoid conflict, since we knew a few kids in the class were probably homophobic, and a heroes course isn't really a good time to date, as it could interfere with your work. Bakugou is actually really affectionate and sweet, which is something I didn't expect, but I guess it comes with being his soulmate. Like, for example, when we're alone he always holds me and gives me kisses on the cheek and forehead and plays with my hair, and he found out pretty quickly that I love kisses on the back of the neck, which he has no issue delivering.

Class and courses stayed the same, we'd sneak into each others dorms at night for cuddles, but we'd still sleep in our respective rooms in order to avoid suspicion, seeing as we were close friends before, but not that close. I also found out that he likes anime like Yuri!! on Ice and Haikyuu, and he sort of got me into them and we've been binging them while we cuddle and eat snacks. Red is such a beautiful colour, and Bakugou's still figuring out how to take in the world with all of its greens and purples and pinks and just colours. His favorite colour--or so he claims-- is red, because of my eyes. By now, he knows I dye my hair since I normally need help with the roots, and he's happy to help. he claims that he actually likes my natural colour as well, but he likes me no matter what colour my hair is. Tamaki and Fat Gum are the only two to know about us being together.

Well, outside of us, obviously. They're super cool with it, actually! And I just hope Tamaki finds his soulmate soon, that would be awesome, he totally deserves it! He deserves someone who will always tell him how amazing he his, because he's actually super awesome, and his quirk is crazy strong, and his personality is totally adorable. For crying out loud, if it wasn't for the explosive blonde, I'd take him. Bakugou let out a yawn beside me, and I turned to him. He normally goes to bed at eight, and it's currently ten, so I'm sure he's tired. "I'll head back to my dorm." He groaned, but besides that, didn't protest. I gave him a soft peck, which turned into a full on damn french kiss, but I eventually pulled away due to it being late.

"Goodnight, I love you." He smiled, a genuine, soft smile, saved just for me. "Night, love you too." He grumbled, before I made my way back to my own dorm, sighing softly as I slid into bed, and fell into a peaceful slumber.

Heyo, I'm not dead! Sorry for this chapter being trash, I really don't know where to go with this story, but I'm thinking of writing another one while I sit on it. I'm still recovering from what happened a couple weeks ago, I lost someone important to me, so it's been hard, but writing is like therapy to me, so this chapter was a joy to do. 

I've been watching lots of Haikyuu lately for therapeutic reasons as well, as Suga and Noya are literally babies, I would pay for them to step on me man. I've been thinking of making my next story Daisuga, but please, feel free to leave suggestions.

That's all for now, and sorry for being so inactive. 


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