Chapter Eight

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(I'm breaking the fourth wall with time lol, spoilers for season 4 stuff, mostly Eri's rescue, I'm not caught up on the season yet)

(Oh, and Night Eye isn't dead)

(Muffin, this chapters for you)

It's been a few days since me and Bakugou almost kissed. He hasn't changed, he's actually pretty much the same. So that's nice. I guess. I really wish it hadn't happened. Don't get me wrong, I love Bakugou, but . . . he's got a soulmate. I was currently patrolling with Fat Gum and Tamaki. Fat Gum had gone into a store to get some stuff for Tamaki, since he's basically like our dad now, so that's nice. I really like Fat. Me and Suneater were currently leaning against the wall, waiting. "Hey, Sun?" He looked at me, his hood covering his face, his eyes calm since we weren't being stared at. "Do you know who your soulmate is? If you don't mind me asking." His calm eyes became embarrassed and he became redder then a damn tomato.

"N-no . . . but I want it to be somebody specific . . ." I smiled, knowing exactly who he meant. "Mirio?" He became more red. Bingo. "Please, don't tell anyone!" I shook my head, placing one hand on my heart and the other in the air. "Promise! Not a soul, not Fat or Bakugou, Deku or Denki, nobody!" He smiled shyly. "Thank you." Fat came back out, handing some foods to Tamaki. We kept walking after he stashed them away. "Say, Sun? What are the limits to your quirk?" He blinked. "I actually don't know. I ate crystals in the battle to save Eri, and well, I was able to protect myself with the crystals, but . . . I passed out afterwards. I can eat anything, but my body pays the price. I was internally bleeding from swallowing a whole crystal." Fat Gum patted his back. "Yeah, poor Sun, I was worried about you. And you too, Red. You're strong, you proved that in that fight." He patted my hair, messing it up a little.

I grinned. A pro hero, one who everybody in the area knew, was basically a dad to me (Deku where u at?), and was proud of my abilities. "Hows Lemillion doing?" I asked Tamaki, and he smiled. "I visited him yesterday. They say they've found a way to reverse the bullets affects and give him his quirk back, so he should be back on the field and at UA in a few weeks." Me and Fat grinned, and Tamaki blushed, smiling shyly. "That's great to hear! Deku said sir Night Eye hasn't been the same since he's been gone, none of them have. He's like, the heart of the company. He's definitely the humor."

Tamaki sighed. "Yeah, how are those students who didn't pass the provincial license test?" He's become so much more talkative with me, he's not like he is with Mirio obviously, but we're like one big, open family. Nobodies got secrets, it's awesome. I love it. "Bakugou and Todoroki? Oh! They've almost passed, it's getting close to finding out. They're doing awesome!" Tamaki gave a small smile, and Fat grinned. "That's good to hear! It's also good to here that Lemillion will be back soon." He sighed contently. "The hero life is thriving." I chuckled. "Yeah, it really is, isn't it?" I looked across the street when I heard crying, and saw a little kid. I crossed the street and knelt down. "Hey, little guy, what's wrong?" He hugged my knee. "A-are you a hero . . ?" I nodded. "Mhm. I work at Fat Gum's agency with him. What's wrong?" He sniffled. "I-I lost my mom!" He cried. He was only about five, so I picked him up. "Well, let's go find her then. My name's Red Riot." He nodded. "She's at the flower shop . . But I don't know where it is!" I nodded, and began to take him there. "What's your name?" I asked, and he sniffled again. He had hair that reminded me of Bakugou's with colour, but was down like him when I don't use gel, and his eyes were red. I smiled, imagining me and Bakugou having a kid together. "S-Spencer . ." I smiled. "Well, Spencer. Here we are!" Just then, a lady ran out. "Spencer!" "Mom!" They hugged, and I was thanked. I then began to head back to Fat and Tamaki, my mind filled with Bakugou. I love him.

Sorry for my writing getting kinda lazy towards the end haha, but here's a new chapter


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