Chapter five

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I laid lazily staring at my ceiling with my hands behind my head and my ankles crossed, sighing. My mind was filled with Bakugou, as it always was. Katsuki was just so . . So cute! He was so handsome, and he was kind of sexy when he was angry. And now I'm getting hard. Great. I reach my hand into my pants and start to deal with my problem, while scrolling through LordExplosionMurder on Instagram, looking at shirtless pictures and getting off to my best friend. I'm so messed up.

Once my problems been dealt with I change into shorts and a loose tank top and began to punch at my punching bag, kicking as well. Training was a way to distract myself. That's one of the reasons that I had a punching bag in my room, training purposes. "Bro!" I heard from the door. Kaminari. What does pika pika want? "Sup, bro?" I asked as I swing open the door, sweat dripping down my forehead. He blushed. "Hey . . I need some advice." He awkwardly avoided my gaze. "Yeah, sure. Come on in. Just lemme wash my face." I chuckled as I head into the bathroom, and he sits on my bed.

I start to wash my face with a damp rag while he speaks, still not looking at me. "So, I . . Well . . I have this crush on somebody." He chuckled awkwardly. "And . . I want some advice?" I grin. "Oh! Sure. No problem! Who ya crushin on?" He blushed more, and shakes his head. "Uh . . Nobody . ." He smiled. "It's Sero, isn't it?" I have a sneaking suspicion that Sero and Kaminari are soulmates. "No . . But . . It doesn't matter! I just need advice." I chuckle softly. "I don't know. I've personally got a crush of my own, but . . I don't really know how to confess to him." I blushed.

"But . . I'd say just go for it. What's the worst that could happen? You're Kaminari Denki, who would reject you?" I laugh softly, smiling. "Yeah. I guess. I'll let you get back to training. Bye, Kiri!" He waved and left, and I shrugged it off and continued training, confused. Who the hell could Kaminari have a crush on that isn't Sero?

The chapter kinda sucks, but I'm at school right now and, again, not exactly the best mental state. Anyways, here's an update.


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