Chapter Seven

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⚠️⚠️⚠️SELF HARM⚠️⚠️⚠️

I headed into my bathroom, and grabbed the blades I haven't touched in awhile, looking over them for the sharpest one. Once I found it, I looked at my arms and began to work, watching the colourless, hot substance fall down my arm. I only cut the one, then I pulled off my pants and began to slice at my thighs, then pulled up my shirt and cut my hips. I've never cut my hips before. There's a first time for everything. I cleaned up and bandaged my cuts before changing my clothes and putting in my headphones, slipping my phone into the pocket of my jeans and pulling on a sweater over my tank top. I began to blast Skillet as I left the dorms, passing a very upset looking Bakugou, and went for a jog. I hope he's okay . . He's probably mad at me. I would be, too.

I can't believe I almost kissed him. I'm such an idiot! He's got a soulmate. I don't. I need to accept that. I don't have a soulmate and I never will! I keep running until I get to a park, sitting down on the bench as Starts by Skillet came on and I looked around, eyeing all the couples walking, and the kids and just everything. Why am I such an idiot? I look around at the beautiful colours, minus one. Red. Those spaces aren't filled in with shades of greys whites and blacks like you would think, no. They're just a solid, gold colour, one that burns my eyes. Perhaps that's prettier than real blood, but still. Red sounds beautiful. It sounds much more beautiful than gold. It hurts my eyes. Yes, I can tell the difference between yellows, golds and reds. Yellows and golds I can see, red is so bright that I have to squint because it physically hurts my eyes. Lots of people wear red. I wonder if they know they're wearing red? What if it's just their friends they're walking with and they're unaware? My phone buzzes. Kaminari.

Where are you? You okay? I send back a simple went for a run and turn up the volume on my music. I stand, and begin to jog back. My cuts rub uncomfortably against my sweater and jeans, but I'm used to it. I really don't want to go back. Bakugou's mad at me. I really messed up . .

Apologies for this chapter being super short! I didn't want to make it important in case anybody needed to skip from the self harm so I didn't add anything super important.


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