Chapter Three

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⚠️⚠️Mentions of self harm&scars⚠️⚠️

Worthless. The word echoes through my head as I change into my hero costume in the corner to hide my thighs. Worthless. I haven't cut in a little over a year, but it's still hard to not think about it, and . . I never threw away my blades. I have three sitting in the back of the cupboard in the bathroom above the sink. I haven't touched them in a few months. And no, I didn't hurt myself last time I did, I was simply moving them because my mama almost found them. And don't call me a baby for saying mama! My moms are lesbian and I have two. No, I'm not adopted. Just . . it's complicated.

I don't know why I brought them to UA when the dorm system was introduced last week. Well, yes I do, that's a lie. I did so my mom and mama didn't find them, and so that I could have them. Even if I didn't use them, having them gave me a feeling of comfort, a sort of safe feeling, knowing that I could use them. It's hard to explain.

I headed out to training ground gamma with Bakugou, him still struggling to put on his second glove. They're heavy, and despite the awesome, badassness of how they look, they are a pain in the ass to get on. I tried them on once, and let's just say, it's not fun. "Yo, Bakubro! Want some help?" He grumbled out a small, almost unhearable 'shut up, shitty hair' while he continued to try and pull them on. "Here." I stopped walking, and helped him slip it on. To my surprise, he didn't protest. My heart was beating like crazy. We kept walking in a comfortable silence.

"Hey, shitty hair." Bakugou spoke from next to me. "Yeah?" We finished getting changed first and got a head start, and were about halfway to ground gamma by now. It wasn't very far away. "What's it like. Seeing colour and all." I froze, my heart beating out of my chest almost. What? I didn't tell anybody anymore after middle school that I could see colour. How did he know? "W-what? I . . I don't know what you're talking about." I calmed my racing heart by force and kept walking. "I can't see colour. I haven't found my soulmate." I don't have one.

"Don't bullshit me, Kirishima." Now I was even more confused. He said my name. My real name. Not shitty hair or hair-for-brains, my name. "Bakugou, are you sick or something?" He scowled. "Huh? No! Why? Do I not look good enough to you!" He snapped, and I couldn't help but laugh. This idiot. "Never mind. Anyways, I don't know how you found out, but . . It's nice." I commented. He grumbled an inaudible response, and I kept talking. "I mean, I can't see red. But I can see the grass and the wood, different trees have difference shades. And the sky, and the sunset. Man, it's awesome! I hope you find your soulmate soon so you can see it, too." My heart ached.

I want to be Bakugou's soulmate. I want to bring the colour into his life. But I don't have a soulmate. And even if I did, I don't deserve Bakugou. I don't deserve anybody. I'm worthless. We got to training ground gamma and waited for the others, Mr. Aizawa looking dead, as per-usual. I'm starting to feel how he looked. God, when was the last time I got eight hours of sleep? I can't even remember. I shake the thought of my head as the rest of the class gets there. We're doing water rescue training. We don't stay at ground gamma for long, just long enough for everybody to get there, then we head to a new training ground that we've never been to.

It's not the UA pool like I thought it'd be, it's a huge training pool, deep as hell and littered with fake and real plants, dyed a colour of green-blue like a real like pond, or the ocean. It's beautiful, absolutely stunning for something manmade. "Today, I've planted several dummies in the water. Your job is to rescue three." We were instructed. "You will be timed. The person who takes the longest has to clean the classroom." That got several of the students to groan. "But don't we have janitors?" Sero whined. "Yeah, we do." Kaminari confirmed. "It's punishment." Momo stated matter-of-factly. "I want everybody to do their best! This is UA!" Iida boomed in, his usual loud voice ringing through our ears while his arms waved around like usual. Frickin Iida. He's so weird. I kinda love it.

"You may use your quirks however you wish, as long as you don't harm the dummy." Mineta raised his hand. Fucking grape. Aizawa seemed reluctant to ask what he wanted, but did anyways. "Why'd we have to change into our hero costumes?" Okay, gotta hand it to him, for once, and intelligent question. But, then I see his eyes drift to Momo's chest and I take it back. Crusty ass perv!

"Because, water rescues are an almost daily occurrence in the hero world." Aizawa is quick to answer. "If you cant preform in water in your hero costume, it's good to find out during your first year rather than on the field during a mission ten years down the road." That makes sense. At least my costume won't be an issue. And, with my quirk, I can sink fast, making me waste less time with getting deep in the water. It also means that if I go too deep my quirk might start to wear off though. Waters confusing. "Alright, enough questions. Todoroki, you're first." I hear Bakugou scoff beside me. "Tch. Half-an'-half bastard . ." I watch carefully as Todoroki dives into the water once the time starts. Midoriya is muttering next to me, something about how he's making a wise choice not using his quirk. I agree.

Ice would freeze the water, making it cold, potentially causing the person to go into shock, but if he uses his fire he'll heat up the water and risk cooking the person alive. He's doing the smart thing by just running purely off of his lung and leg power. That's Todoroki for you.

Sooo I'm bored and it's late (like 9:15 whatever) and I am super into writing this story, so here's a chapter. Idk if I'll be doing more than one tonight but I want to get a coupe more done before I go back to school omg Tuesday.


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