Chapter Six

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!A few days later!

We've had this argument a hundred time, and I don't get it! "Bakubro, look, you're like, really smart. I thought you'd get it?" I could practically see the steam coming out of his ears. "Dammit, shitty hair! You're such a fucking dumbass!" I chuckled, awkwardly rubbing the back of my neck. "Look, Bakubro, I  already told you. My quirk doesn't give me super strength. It's just a hardening quirk." Bakugou face palmed, and I could practically see the nitroglycerin. He was pissed alright. "For fucks sake! You're such an idiot! Does getting punched in the face hurt?" I nodded. "Yeah? Of course it does. Common sense, really." His face became slightly red. He was mad. "But what hurts more? Getting hit with a fist or a goddamn fucking bolder?!" He growled. I felt a lightbulb in my brain. "A . . A bolder . ." I chuckled. "Oh! I get it. Since my body hardens my punches hurt more! But that doesn't make me stronger?" He punched the wall. "Kirishima." Uh oh. I'm dead. "You fucking moron!"

I don't get it. "If somebody punches a building they break their fist, if a wrecking ball hits it it fucking breaks! You're like a wrecking ball, you came in, (AN: somebody PLEASE understand so I don't have to feel old) and tore the fucking place apart with your goddamn battle axe hands!" I was so confused. "Bakugou. I don't become a wrecking ball. My skin hardens." He groaned. "For the love of god you goddamn moron! This is what happens when you wear crocs!" "Hey!" I pouted. "Don't attack my crocs! They have feelings, too, y'know!"

He grabbed my shoulders, and shook me back and forth. "Listen!" He snapped. "If you get hit with a rock, does it hurt?" I blink. "No? I use my quirk." Bakugou smirked. "If you fall off a building, does it hurt?" I shake my head. "No? I use my quirk?" He grinned. It was adorable. I've never wanted to kiss him so bad. "That makes you strong as fuck!" I felt myself leaning a little closer to him. He looked so cute. So vulnerable. So kissable. A soft pink dusted his cheeks, and he moved his hands to cup my cheeks. Oh my god. If this is a dream, don't wake me up.

We lean closer, until our lips are almost touching, eyes half lidded, red meeting red. Not that either of us can see it. "I'm right . . You're strong, Kiri . ." Kiri . . I could get used to that. I close my eyes, and just as I'm about to close the gap, somebody knocks on my dorm room. Bakugou backs up, and storms off to the bathroom, face red as fuck. Uh oh. He's mad. Shit. I messed up. I walked over, and opened the door. Kami. "Hey, Kami. What's up?" He fiddled awkwardly with his fingers. "K-Kiri . . I . ." He sighed. "I have to be honest with you. I . ." He shook his head. "I'm sorry. We can't be together." I blinked. The fuck? "Uhhh . . Kami?" He nodded. "I'm sorry!" I shake my head. "Kami. What are you talking about?"

He looks up at me, no longer focusing on our socks, mine mismatched, something that ticks off most people. "I know you liked somebody, and I figured it was me. Was I wrong?" I slowly nodded. "Uh. Yeah. Yeah you were. You're like, my best friend. Basically a brother. So, sorry, but no thank you." I put my hands up, waving them dismissively. "Oh, thank god! Anyways, I wanted to say I found my soulmate! Thank you so much for the advice, Kiri. Even if I never used it." I cocked my head. "Who's your soulmate?"

He smiled. "Sero!" I thought back to our previous conversation. "I thought you didn't like Sero?" Kaminari blushed, and awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. "Truth is, I didn't. The man I liked was you, but then Sero kissed me, and the colour made me fall in love. Is this what you see? For real?" I slowly nodded, smiling. "Yeah. Minus red. What's it's like?" Sero came up behind Kami, and wrapped his arms around his waist. "It's beautiful. I'm sure you'll see it, Kiri." Shuffling was heard from the bathroom, and I shooed them away before they could question it.

Bakugou came out of the bathroom, and when I opened my mouth to speak, he just walked past me and left. Did I just lose my best friend? I messed up . . I put my back against the door, sniffling as I held my head in my hands, sliding down until I sat on the floor.

I took my arms and rolled up my sleeves, looking over the scars. Blood was red. I wonder if I'd fall more in love with it if I could see the beautiful colour described as 'crimson'. Maybe it's about time I brought back out that blade.

Sorry for this chapter being all over the place haha, but it's important to the plot, I promise. My apologies for all the triggers in this story, but I hope you guys enjoyed!


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