I Swear

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{Jay POV}

"What the hell is going on?!?" my brother demanded. James, Layla, and Mike stared at me. Layla was sixteen years old with wide blue eyes and dark brown hair.

"What are we going to do about them?" Mike asked me.

"What we do with every werewolf that comes through here. We treat them as guests.'' I shrugged, looking at my brother to see how his injuries were coming along.

"They aren't wolves Jay, they are vampires. You know, bloodsuckers?" Mike stared at me with his deep brown eyes.

"True two of them are but Niklaus is also like us. So we will treat him like one of us. Am I understood?" I stood from my brother's bedside and eyed Mike.

"Ok, but what about the blood oath? You can't be serious about that right? Like you'll be tied to him for as long as you live.'' Layla was genuinely concerned. I rested a hand on her shoulder before pulling her in for a hug.

"You know how i tell the children stories of how in the future wolves are no longer hunted and we no longer live in hiding?" I felt her nod on my shoulder and I moved my gaze to meet Mike's eyes, "he is the one who will bring us that, I have seen it."

I pull away from her and all three nod in understanding as Rebekah comes through the door looking directly at me. "Let's take a walk, Jay."

We walked almost half a mile away from the campsite before she finally spoke. "Why all the kids? I mean you are far too young to be a mother."

"They have nowhere to go so i gave them one.'' I watched her in my peripheral.

"This is the part i find so concerning, that they've all triggered their werewolf gene. I'm pretty sure you have to kill someone to do that, yes?"

"Well that's a fair point to be concerned about. It's sad honestly. All did it in self defense. Or defense of another. Some had killed human hunters that killed their parents, some killed defending themselves from foster parents with cruel intentions."

"And you just collect them all dont you?"

I had to laugh, "that's one way to put it. Yes I take them in training them to take care of themselves, teach them the old ways and try to give them as happy of a childhood as I can."

"And my brother?" she stops walking and looks me in the eye, "he is called a monster for a reason you know? But you let the kids run around him like it's nothing."

"Because it is nothing. I see about ten wolves a year that are very much like your brother. They aren't monsters, they are just lost, hurt, confused. You name it. All they really need is help. Plus since you're clearly fishing for a reason to not trust me. I don't just want to help your brother for the sake of it, I have my own motives."

"Do you want to let me in on this?"

I start walking again, "vampires and humans hunt werewolves. They make a sport of it, that's why there are so many kids here. I believe that working with yall can eventually lead to life where vampires, werewolves and witches can at least not kill each other."

She smiled at me and began walking to the camp again. "Wait. before you head back could you do me a favor?" I called after her.

She turned half way towards me. "What?"

"Can you help me with a boundary spell? Since I'm likely to be leaving in the morning I'd like to give them a little extra defence." she'll say yes. I saw how she looked at the kids. She would never want to see someone so young harmed.

"Can you do it yourself?" She worked her eyebrow up.

"I need to channel someone to get the right." I offer her my hand with my palm up. She stares at my scar.

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