Under My Skin

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{Jay POV}

Bright and early in the morning I was on the phone with my brother, "how's the new kid doing?"

"Fine, misses his mom a bit but she has no idea what to do with him." A mom dropped her kid off at our camp, she wasnt a werewolf but the kids father was and he left her.

"He'll adjust, it'll help if she keeps up the contact." i walked into the kitchen and saw elijah, "but hey you got this, honey, so i call you again soon. Love you."

I quickly hung up and put the phone in my pajama pants pocket. Going straight for a blood bag in the fridge.

"So is Jay short for something?" Elijah asked, stirring his coffee.

"It was but i don't remember what for." I popped my blood bag into the microwave. And analysed him, I couldn't deny that he was attractive. "Anyone who would know it is either dead or dead-adjacent."

"Pity." he took a sip of his coffee, "what exactly was your agreement with my brother?"

"Is this breakfast or an interrogation?" I asked putting the tube of my bag in my mouth, and I raised an eyebrow at him. "cause i'll call a lawyer."

He chuckled a bit, smiling, "bit of both."

I shrugged and sat on the island crossing my legs, "he protects and supports my pack, and i just stay loyal and help out. Cut and dry deal."

He nodded and walked back to the coffee pot pouring another mug before settling it in front of me, "witch, werewolf and vampire." he leaned against the counter opposite of me, "i'm assuming you were born a witch and werewolf."

"It's more common than you think, just not common for them to trigger their werewolf gene." I threw my bag into the trash.

"No, -" but he was cut off by nik clearing his throat.

"Everyone getting along." he went and got some coffee. Before sitting next to me on the counter.

"Yes, niklaus, just getting to know your....friend." Elijah said crossing his arms over his chest.

"Yes i believe i told you about her before." nik smirked at him "from the dreams."

"She does bare resemblance to your paintings." They both looked at me.

"Okay," I dragged out. "I'm gonna go to my room." I hopped off the counter and flashed up the stairs with my coffee. Time to look for one last coffin.


"Does a cave with paintings ring any bells?" I shouted down the staircase.

"No." nik shouted back from the foyer.

I climbed down the stairs still in my pj's and flopped on the couch across from him. "I know it's in a cave with paintings and the Bennett witches are cloaking the location. But whoever locked up that coffin did it well and tight, they aren't making any headway with it."

"That's good enough," Elijah walked in. "I arranged a sit down with the salvatores. We need to find some way to negotiate a truce."

"So stefan is coming?" I asked, lifting my head a bit off the couch.

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