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{Jay's POV}

"Pst, witch?" a quiet male voice came from the hall waking me up. "Witch, it's time to go."

I quickly threw the blankets off of me and got to my feet. It was the hunter. I kicked at the middle of the chain on the cuffs. Breaking them in half. No magic but yes vampire strength. I smiled to myself before cracking the door open.

"Are they here?" I asked, trying to sound scared. I look down to see the hunter holding Nate's severed head by his hair. I closed my eyes thinking about having to call his parents to tell them what had happened. A worry for another day i guess.

"More are on their way, let's get you out of here, kid." he said, grabbing me by the arm and pulling me into the hallway and out of the house. He dragged me practically all the way to the woods. "Do you know your way home from here?"

"Yeah i'm ok, thank you." i said, pulling my hair into a ponytail. The chains are still clattering around my wrist.

"Good, do yourself a favor and get the hell outta town. Too many vampires and hybrids around here." he said before turning and walking in the opposite direction. I huffed in relief and started jogging towards Tyler's house. I would have vamped but I'm too paranoid about the hunter. I'm not ready to blow my cover with him just yet.


"Where the hell have you been?" Hayley called out as she pulled me into a tight hug.

Tyler came up and flicked the metal on my wrist. "The hell is this?"

"Y'all I've had a crazy day." I sighed as I flopped myself onto the couch. "Tyler call Damon, let him know that the hunter is out on the loose, he got Nate, so he'll have werewolf toxin."

Tyler scurried off to his phone and Hayley poured us some fancy bourbon. "To Nate."

"To Nate" we clink our glasses together and swallow it all whole before pouring more. "Niklaus had me chained up at his mansion. He thought I had more information about the hunter than I admitted."

"Fucking crazy." she said, shaking her head. "I guess that's why they call him Klaus the Mad."

"Absolutely." I shook my head and finished a second glass before Tyler came into the room. "Wanna help me out with this a bit?" i said, holding up my wrist for him.

"Yeah i got you." he came over and pulled them off one at a time. I focused and set my fingers on fire, nodding my head in relief.

"Thank you." I sighed and poured myself another glass. "We need to double time getting everyone unsired. The quicker that's done the quicker we can all get the hell out of here."

"What happened?" Tyler asked, leaning against his father's desk.

"This hunter is dangerous and we can't make him our problem. He killed Nate with his bare hands." I finished my third glass. "And Niklaus is ordering the sired hybrids not to kill him."

"Jay, you might want to slow down." Tyler said as he watched me pour another glass of whiskey. I poured some more for Hayley. I smiled and shook my head.

"You really haven't spent enough time with other werewolves, Tyler.'' I laughed and handed him the bottle.

"This is how we mourn our fallen." Hayley filled him in.

"So drink up and let's get the others." i said as i stood up. I walked over to the radio and turned up some music. "Let's get this wake started." I smiled and pulled Hayley to her feet to dance a little. It's best to know, i thought to myself, cause it's about to be a long couple of weeks.

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