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{Jay POV}

I woke up in the woods next to my clothes. Standing up I stretched, curling my toes in the dew covered grass next to the edge of the woods. I slid on my damp shirt and underwear. As comfortable as I was i realized that walking around completely naked would be just too inappropriate. I pulled the phone out of my jeans pocket and checked to make sure it wasn't wet and saw I missed my brother's call. I texted him to expect a call from me later in the evening. Walking in through the kitchen door I could hear Stefan moving around upstairs.

I poured a bag of blood into my cup and put it in the microwave. When it went off I heard a groan. Making my way towards the sound I sipped my blood and hummed an old song.

"Low blow stefan." Damon croaked.

"That looks painful, buddy. But if thats what your into these days...'' I shrugged taking a mental note. When i saw someone moving by the curtains.

"What the hell happened to you?" Stefan asked leaning against the wall next to me. Neither of us moved to help him out.

"Whatever twisted ripper game this is, leave me out of it. Ok?'' Damon said while testing the restraints.

"I didn't do this." Stefan walked over inspecting whoevers handy work.

"Pretty messed up though, isn't it?" I walked over still focusing on my blood. Stefan ripped to fire poker out of his chest and Damon screamed a bit. I noticed his daylight ring chilling on the table. I sat next to it and tried it on.

Stefan just patted him on the shoulder before turning to leave. "Why are you wet and half dressed?" he pointed his thumb at me.

"I went for a run." I shrugged, not really taking my eyes off damon. It's kinda funny. Stefan left while Damon shouted at him.

"Wanna help me out, short stuff?" Damon attempted to raise his hands. But I was distracted by another man. Standing arms crossed and staring holes into a bounded damon.

"Mason?" I questioned standing up and taking a few steps towards him by the window.

"What the hell? No ones there jay." Damon rolled his eyes.

"You can see me?" Mason spoke and smiled wide at me.

"Oh my god." I ran up and hugged him. "Oh my god i can touch you,"

"Ok crazy lady you're hugging air." Damon started over at us. Ok so i can touch him but no one can hear or see him. Cool. i pulled away from mason and gave damon a stupid look.

Suddenly though light from the window came pouring in onto damon. Fuck. he screamed in againising pain. I quickly vamped to him and put his ring back on before vamping to close the curtains. "Seriously, mason? You already screwed him, isn't that enough?"

"He killed me!" Mason threw his arms up.

"Fair point but can that be enough?" i broke the chains on damon, he was still looking at me like im bat shit.

Mason looked between the two of us, "dear god is THIS the blood sucker you were so crazy about?"

"Don't judge." i know i looked guilty.when i looked back at him he was gone.

With damon free and finishing off the rest of my blood. He looked me up and down. "Nice look but put on some clothes you're stuck with me all day."

"I'm fine on my own you know," I snatched my cup from his hand.

"See i know that but after a day of your invisibility spell im not risking it, so go get ready." he shooed me up the stairs. I dragged myself to my room to get ready. Trading in my wet clothes for my hoodie and shorts.

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