Never Simple

771 19 5

{Jay POV}

The clanging of glass hitting the floor shot me awake followed by nik saying shit repeatedly. I jumped up from my bed and immediately peaking my head out the door. I saw nik a bit down the hallway crouched down picking up shards of glass. Rebekah also had her head poking out of her room.

"What's going on?" she asked angrily, obviously just waking up as well.

"Uh- i was bringing Jay some coffee." he stood up still holding some of the glass. I stepped out of my room and looked out at the mess on the floor.

"I'll grab a cloth and broom." I walked past nik and slipped him a quick kiss on the cheek before going down the stairs.

"Awe Nik, how lovely." i heard rebekah say in a teasing tone.

"Shut it, bekah." nik sneered. I grabbed the broom and rag and headed back up the stairs to help clean up the mess.

"I can get it, little bird." nik tries to take the broom and rag from me but i pulled it from his reach, smiling.

"Let me help. You pick up the glass and i'll clean up the coffee.'' I started to wipe up the coffee. After cleaning up Nik took everything downstairs and i went to get dressed for the day. An oversized knitted sweater and black leggings. I french braided my hair in two. Coming down the stairs Nik had two cups of coffee, he looked a little nervous.

"I'll try not to break these." he passed me one and we walked outside to the patio.

"Any plans for today? I mean Ester and Finn are missing, and may have something else up their sleeves.'' I took a sip and looked at him. He was holding his forehead in his hand while staring at his coffee.

"Actually something a little more pressing. Rebekah found out that there is in white oak tree still out there." he rubbed his temples a bit.

"Ok that shouldn't be too hard to find." I took his other hand.

"Minus the fact that the last record of it was seven hundred years ago." he raised his head and eyebrows. "So finding it may be a challenge."

"No," I finished off my coffee. "First a tracking spell it should work if its whole. If its was cut down then i'm sure there will be a record of it getting cut down."

"Or i can just burn down the town and all the surrounding woods." he suggested smiling.

"That's a good idea and all but lets try the peaceful quiet way first?" I smiled.

"Fine. fine." he got up grabbing both the cups. "I'm not as worried about it as rebekah is."

"She can come with me." I pulled a blood bag from the fridge.

"Whos coming with you?" Rebekah walked in the kitchen.

"You are. To find a tree." i said sitting on the counter top.

"Ok. i'll call the mayor, have her meet us for something." rebekah said. "She mentioned being part of the historical society."

"Sounds good. I'll try to get started on the spell.'' I tossed the blood bag and ran upstairs to get to work.


"Any luck?" rebekah asked from the doorway. I was at the table I set up, candle wax was practically dripping off the edge. Before I could respond my map went up in flames.

"Ugh, no luck here." I slammed my hand on the table, "why isn't anything around here simple?"

"Shame, but get ready, we're meeting the mayor in a bit at the grill." rebekah said before walking off. I looked out the window and saw it was getting close to sunset. I quickly pulled on the leather jacket and a pair of high heeled boots. Everyone here dresses so nicely. I just feel like I need to blend in a little better. You know not look like a rag doll.

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