I'm So Sorry

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{Jay POV}

Walking down a crowded street hand in hand with nik, looking around at the little shops and the passing faces. I almost felt normal. Like a normal human pair touring a new town. But i couldn't play pretend for long as nik pulled me to catch up with his oldest brother.

"Hello, Finn." nik smirked and wrapped his arm around me.

"hello , niklaus. I have nothing to say to you, or you." he said without even looking at us. He held his head up high, but not high like proud, like oddly high.

"We aren't here to chat. Though I will ask you one time, where's our mother?"

"Gone to find another way to end our abominable lives." Finn spat. "And when she does, I will sacrifice myself all over again."

"Oh, well i don't think Sage would be too happy about that.'' I named him his beloved, hoping for a reaction. He didn't stop walking but he did finally look at us.

"Well how fortunate i found you, i require your assistance." nik informend Finn, i guess hoping that he may do it just out of brotherly love.

"I won't help you, i only wished to see you dead." Finn reminded him. I'm not really liking this grouch.

"How do you plan to see him dead, you be dead as well?" I asked.

"You're right, little bird. I guess your wish won't be granted,brother." nik smirked.

"Oh, why don't you and your little trolep go bother someone else." Finn walked across the street, picking up his pace.

"Now why would i do thank when i can bother my brother?" nik gave me a little squeeze on my shoulder. "I need you to accompany us back to mystic falls. I have a bennett witch there who can undo ester's spell that linked us together."

Finn raised his voice a tad, visibly becoming more annoyed. "I have no wish the be unlinked!"

"Again with the wishes." I crossed my arms over my chest as nik turned to the front of his brother, blocking his path and bringing us to a stop. "Let me rephrase, you will come back with me or i will put you back in that coffin in which you rot for nine hundred years."

"What happens to one happens to all. You may not feel the effects of the dagger, but you'd lose your precious rebekah." Finn told us.

"See, wrong again. I can work around that, so just you rot.'' I grinned thinking about creating unbreakable chains and giving him just enough blood to keep from desiccating. Finn side stepped us and continued walking. "He's a stubborn one."

"Yes he is." nik turned to follow finn again only for him to vamp around a corner. We both quickly follow knowing rebekah would be there to stop him.

"Lets not make this any worse than it has to be, darling brother." Rebekah spoke harshly.

"Your siding with him? Rebekah, he stored us in boxes." Finn said trying to get his sister to understand. Not gonna lie he does kinda have a point.

"At least he's not trying to make us extinct." rebekah pointed out. She has an even better point. Better to temporarily be in a box than permanently, that's just my opinion though.

"What are you going to do, kill me?" Finn laughed.

"No, possibly torture." I shrugged,smirking.

"You may have a death wish but the rest of us don't. I'm not going to let you take the rest of us down with you." nik quickly grabbed his brother and threw him against the brick wall so harshly that he dented it before bouncing back to his brother, only to be thrown at me. I didn't know what to do with him so I just threw him against the other wall. He slid to his knees before dropping to the floor on his back, panting.

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