Don't Move

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{Jay POV}

The light from the window woke me up. Nik was still on the bed with his head tilted back over the head board. I slowly crawled out of bed so I wouldn't wake him. The house was never this quiet but then again the hybrids are all gone and the mansion was done. I walked into the foyer where Rebekah's body was. I wanted to wake her up but I knew it was something nik needed to do.

As I made my way down the stairs I noticed there were still a lot of boxes to unpack. If I'm going to be stuck here all day I could do that. The only sound was my bare feet on the tile. Hot coffee and blood i thought, that's what i need. I started a whole pot of coffee, humming to myself as I put two blood bags in the microwave.

I sipped my bag as I walked around the house a little more. Coming across a room with french doors. Curious, I peeked inside. Art work littered the room. I knew nik like to draw and paint but i didn't think about the fact that he had a thousand years to perfect it. I looked at the drawings on the table, they seemed so detecate. I felt like I would dirty them with my hands. I sipped on my blood as i gazed at the ones on the table, the style made me think of da vinci. I walked over to the stack that was leaning against the far wall. Most of them were abstract, a couple landscapes. I quickly set my blood bag down on the floor and wiped my hands on my sweater a bit. Pulling out one of the canvases. It was a bright green forest with a few birds in the trees. But the part that caught my attention was the girl. Her hair was the same color as mine, she was wearing a white dress that fell just above her knees. The part that made me believe it really could be me was the same leg was painted grey like mine.

"I painted that in the sixteenth century." nik was leaning against the door way, holding the blood bag i left for him, "thanks by the way."

He walked farther into the room and picked up the blood bag on the floor, passing them both to me before putting the painting back where it was. He walked to the shelf and pulled out a piece of paper. He set it on the table and gestured for me to come over to him. I handed him back his blood and finished mine as I looked at the drawing, a girl was smiling but you couldn't see all of her face, her hair covered his.

"That was eighteen years ago, it was the first time i saw some of your face." he opened one of his sketchbooks, "i did this one the day before i met you."

His face was solem. All three were of me. I touched the one that was of my full face, "im eighteen years old."

"Mmm, perhaps one day youll pose for me." he smiled and walked out.

I followed him to the kitchen and dropped my bag in the bin. I poured myself a cup of coffee as i spoke, "maybe we can add that on the list of things to do today." I sat on the counter while he fixed himself a cup of coffee.

"I'm going to stop by the salvatore house, see if stefan feels like giving my family back. I have something set up to try and get the location from the bennett witch so all i have to do if stefan doesn't give them up is wait for Dan." he smiled and leaned against the island.

"I was thinking I could unpack the boxes upstairs."

"Ya, you go ahead and do that. When i get back i'll help you." he set the cup down on the counter and headed up the stairs. "And try not to stay in your pjs all day, love, it's distracting." he called from the top of the stairs. I looked at my bare legs. I hated sleeping with pants on, they made my legs get all caught up in the sheets.

I topped off my coffee and headed up the stairs, to get ready for the day. I heard the door across the hall open and close and niks footsteps going down the stairs. I stripped and stepped into the hot shower. Cleaning my face of makeup and my stomach of blood. I need to start showering before I go to bed, I thought as I slid into my leggings and tank top.

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