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{Jay POV}

When i looked over the edge of the grand stair case i saw that so many people were already here. I felt myself squeezing Elijah's arm a little tighter. I spotted nik as we began to descend the staircase and rebekah was right his jaw literally dropped. I could feel my face getting red as nik's gaze followed me down the steps.

"There you made it without missing a step." Elijah smiled at me again as we reached the ground floor.

"Thank you, elijah." I let out a breath I had held the entire way down.

"Now the real challenge begins." he gave me a crooked grin and i felt my eyes instinctively get wide. He laughed, "tedious small talk and mingle, jay"

"Oh crap." I slouched a bit. "This is going to be another long night."

"Yes it will."elijahs gaze trailed to nik approaching us.

"Little bird, absolutely stunning." he twirled me around quickly. I saw a smaller figure standing behind him.

"Thank you, nik, you look handsome." I smiled at him.

"I'm going to grab us some drinks, jay." Elijah nodded to nik and walked off.

"So that surprise you mentioned earlier?" I gave him a cheeky look as he turned to look behind him. He was quick to block my view.

"Yes, actually, your surprise is the reason i didn't ask you to be my date." he turned around and waved someone over but i couldn't see who.

"I thought I was going to be the one keeping you company tonight, sister." my little brother popped up. I rushed to pull him into a tight hug.

"Oh my god. I've missed you so much.'' I nearly crushed his embrace. I quickly pulled nik into our hug as well. "Thank you so so much, nik. You have no idea what this means to me."

"Ok, don't cry." my brother teased prying himself from my hug. "Who are you and what have you done with my sister?"

He held up my arm and looked at me. "I know all fancy and stuff. But look at you and you little tux."

"Yeah, nik said i had to." he tugged at the jacket a bit.

Nik was just smiling at us, "thought you should be dressed appropriately." nik squeezed his shoulder and turned his attention to me, "he's gonna be here for tonight and tomorrow."

"Nik, tomorrows the full moon." I tilted my head at him. " it's not saf-"

"Already thought of that, don't worry i asked my mother to make him something so he won't have to turn tomorrow night." nik explained and my brother held up his hand to show me a black ring.

"Huh, nifty." I examined it. Elijah was walking up to us, probably wondering who brought the child.

"Here you are." he handed me a glass of champagne.

"Thank you, Elijah, this is my little brother." I kissed the top of my brother's head.

James shook his hand, "my name is james. It's nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you as well." Elijah smiled. "When did you arrive?"

"Nik picked me up around noon." James bumped nik with his shoulder.

"So you've been in town for seven hours and didnt say anything to me?" I was shocked.

"Well we were having guy time." James shrugged and nik laughed at him. Elijah just had a curious look on his face. I guess like rebekah he wasn't used to seeing nik like this. "Yeah he took me to get pizza, we played at an arcade. It was a good day."

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