For You

347 13 1

 {Jay's POV}

I laid fully clothed and looked up at the clear sky. My clothes moist from the dew drops forming as the sun was beginning to rise. I had meant to go back to Tyler's last night for Dean's wake but a feeling of panic and paranoia made me feel safer in the woods. The feeling of people in the shadows watching and following me all night had me on edge. I shut my eyes and breathed in and out deeply. Counting as I did. One two three, one two three, one two three. I know these anxious feelings and figures hovering in my peripheral vision where from the hunters death, but knowing that doesn't make it any less nerve wrecking.

"Do you normally relax like this after you kill?" I heard the hunter, Conner, speak standing over me. Breath, one two three.

"You aren't here. You're dead." i said keeping my eyes shut and laying still.

"Yeah but you're used to seeing the dead aren't ya?" Conner asked. I could hear leaves crunch under his weight as he sat down.

Just breathe, I remind myself, don't look at him. Don't give him the satisfaction of seeing you frustrated. "Since I was little. I can handle this."

"Do you even feel guilt at this point? If not for me then how about the hundred other people you've brutally murdered?" he asked. These hallucinations aren't like the other dead spirits trapped on the other side. I can actually feel his breath on me. The cloth on his knee grazed my arm.

"There's no point in feeling guilt for something you can't change. So why bother." my voice stayed even and calm. I should ignore him, I thought.

"What about your mom? Lashing out and boiling her blood." he leaned forward and spoke lower. I shut my eyes tighter. Breath, one two three. "Or you dad? He killed himself to save his little monster child."

"I'm not a monster." I whimpered as an image of my father's bloody body flashed across my mind. Him sprawled out on the floor in the kitchen.

"Really? Only a monster would have killed Jessi." he spat venom. My eyes snapped open and I didn't hesitate in lunging at Connor. I jabbed my hand into his chest, latching onto his heart and driving it out his back.

"That. Was. An. Accident." I huffed out air and pulled my arm out of him. When I stood up instead of seeing Connor lying lifeless it was an older man lying lifeless on the ground. I sighed and rubbed my temples, not caring about the blood I was getting on me.

"You missed." Conner whispered from behind me. I wiped myself around to see no one standing there. Don't let them provoke you. You are in control. I shook my head and started walking further into the woods. Further away from people who I could hurt.

I walked further and further till I reached the quarry. Shutting my eyes I listened closely for it while hoping not to hear any humans nearby. Thankfully I heard nothing.


I was laying at the base of the quarry with my jean clad legs in the cold water. I stared up at the sky doing my best to ignore the growing number of the people I've killed. They were all yelling at me reminders of how I had hurt them, how I had killed them. Just breath. Just ignore them. They can't really hurt you.


{Klaus' POV}

"Where is Jay?" I asked, pulling my bottle of whiskey away from my lips. When I had arrived around two, hayley said that she was supposed to be home before morning.

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