This is Home

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{Jay POV}

I woke in the bushes first per usual. I reached into the tree to pull down my hoodie. A group throws our clothes into the trees so in the morning we don't have a bunch of naked children running around in the wilderness. I start my usual routine of pulling clothes down and dropping them to the appropriate child, waking them. The boys normally opted for pajama pants while the girls preferred their too big hoodies. I dropped a pair of mike's pants onto Nicklaus' face. "Wake up sleeping beauty." he rolled over and stretched out on the ground before covering himself. It was a tad distracting, he is fairly attractive.

He grinned at me, "that was amazing."

"First time running with a pack i assume." I pulled him to his feet. Then started braiding my hair into a single braid. "Everyone else is already headed back to camp for coffee and food. Mike and Layla are being extra kind and getting some blood for y'all."

"I'll be sure they are thanked properly." he stretched out his limbs and I got to admire his physique. "Enjoying the view, little bird?"

I glared at him for outing me as we began to walk back, following the kids who were playing on their way home. "Don't be cocky alright? Little bird, really?"

"You'll get used to it. Do you all hunt like that every full moon?"

"Yea. the week leading up we make sure there is a decent amount of larger prey out here. It keeps everyone from wandering into human populated areas." I said as I watched Sarah pick wildflowers.

"How-" he paused thinking of rephrasing his question. " How did you end up here?"

"Well it's almost always sunny out here and this area has a natural population of wolves so no one really raises any questions. It's peaceful.'' I ran my fingers over the tall grass.

"No, I mean you. How did you end up here?" stopping to look at me. He caught my gaze and held it as his hand came up to cup my elbow lightly. It burned.

"I- I don't know. I guess many different things lead me here. Dead parents, murderous covens, hateful vampires. You name it." he caught me off guard with that question. I know how I ended up here but it was too much to share off the bat.

He raised his hand from my elbow to run his fingers over my braid delicately. "And how does katherine the vampire doppelganger coincide with this."

"She housed my brother and I for awhile. She gave us food, shelter and time to rest and collect ourselves. She was a friend when we desperately needed one."

"Hmmm curious. I'm assuming she's the one who told you I was coming.'' He dropped his hand to my disappointment and continued on walking.

"She made you sound worse than you are in my opinion.'' I gave a light jog to keep up with his long strides. "I have an idea for solving your hybrid problem if you'd like to hear it?"

A small grin crossed his face. I wish i knew if it was because i don't think poorly of him or because i'm taking initiative in helping with his hybrid problem. "Do tell, love."

"Well I can talk to the dead. So I can easily ask the witch who cursed you.'' I glanced out at him only to see his mouth in a straight line and his eyebrows furrowed. "And I have plenty of wolves that would be grateful to control their shifts"

His head turned to me quickly. "I already have a wolf to test it on, dear."

"Oh ok." I put my hands in my pockets and kept moving with my eyes on the ground. Have me swear loyalty and I offer even more help only for him to turn it down. Jackass.

He picks a bundle of indian paint brushes and twirls them in his large hands. "Why do you brand your pack? I haven't seen that since the old days." he asked me quietly, stepping in front of me.

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