Connie Pov

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I hear a faint voice. "Please guys... I need help..." I jolt awake. 'That sounded like Steven!' I rush downstairs and my heart drops. 'He's not here!'

I hear the door open. It's the gems. "Guys! Where's Steven?" They look at me confused. "Um, on the couch?" Amethyst says. "N-No! He's not!" I say frantically. "What?!" Garnet pushes past me, the other gems behind her. "Where did he go?" Garnet says with a hint of worry in her voice. "Steven!" She yells.

Soon everyone joins in and looks for him. "Guys" I say. "I.... think he's in trouble." I tell them about the voice I heard before I woke up. "It really sounded like Steven!" I finished, tears getting ready to spill from my eyes.

They look worried. "We need to let everyone know. Pearl, go tell Nanefua to gather everyone near the Big Donut. Amethyst, you look for Steven with Lion. Connie, come with me." Garnet says.

We all nod and go off to do what we were assigned. I follow Garnet, who is heading towards the big donut.

Once we get there, Garnet hops on top of the Big Donut and reaches out a hand. I take it and she pulls me up.

We stand on top waiting for everyone to gather below us. Once Pearl gets everyone to gather below Garnet speaks up.

"Steven is missing!" Everyone gasps. "He disappeared in the night. We don't know where he went but I don't think he just wandered off. He could barely sit up. He was too weak. I fear there is a threat. Connie, tell them about the voice."

I blushed, not liking the attention. But I'll do anything for Steven. I stood up. "Before I woke up I heard a voice. It sounded like Steven. It said 'Please guys... I need help'." Many gasps were heard throughout the crowd of people.

"Steven is in trouble! And we need to find him. You don't have to, but if you can please look for him. It doesn't have to be big. Just search through the woods or in the town. Anything will help. For Steven!" "For Steven!" Garnet repeated. "For Steven!" Voices echoed through the crowed. I smiled. Garnet nodded approvingly at me.

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