Chapter Five: A Little Help

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or the concept of Harry Potter, they all belong to J.K. Rowling.


Hermione woke up early yet it looks like she woke up a little early than usual. She noticed some of her roommates are still asleep so she shrugged and went to the bathroom. She took a long, warm shower and slipped on her robes. She took a look at her schedule and smiled.

She got out of her room and headed for the Common Room. She saw Harry having tea, "Well Good Morning, Harry" she greeted, "Oh! Good Morning, Hermione" he smiled, "Would you like some tea?" Harry offered. Hermione nodded and sat next to him.

She grabbed a cup of tea and took a sip and already knew, "S-Sirius Black's—" Hermione stuttered.
"His tea, I know." Harry continued her sentence. Tears welled up in his eyes and Hermione noticed this.
"Oh dear, Harry, you're going to be fine. I'm here." Hermione comforted Harry whilst Harry couldn't help but cry.

Harry's cry didn't last long, Hermione was there comforting him, arms wrapped around Harry, whilst Harry buried his face into her hair. Hermione held his head and started to ran her hand through his hair. It comforted Harry, he held onto Hermione tighter.
"Harry, you should get dress, let's walk to the Great Hall together for breakfast." Hermione smiled, Harry nodded and went up to his room. Hermione sat there with tea on her hand, looking into the fireflace and worried, she equally missed Sirius Black as Harry miss him.


Harry went up to his room and got dressed, he went to grab his robe when he felt candies in his pocket. He slipped on his robes and went back to the Common Room,
"Hermione?" Harry called out.
"Yes, Harry?" Hermione replied. Harry eventually got to Hermione and Harry held out his arm and Hermione took it, they went outside their dorm, linking arms.

They were walking in the hallway when "Hermione?" Harry called out, Hermione turned to look at him then raised an eyebrow, "Was wondering, if you'd like a candy?" Harry offered, Hermione smiled at the request then nodded. Harry slipped his hand into his pockets, grabbed a handful gave it to Hermione. "Thank you, Harry!" Hermione says with gentle in her voice. She pecked his cheek and Harry's cheek went red as a tomato. Hermione chuckled then headed to the Great Hall.

The two entered the Great Hall with students looking at them, "Hermione? Why is everyone looking at us?" Harry asked. Hermione looked down and realized that they were still linking arms. Hermione blushed at the thought and said "It's because we're holding each other, Harry" Harry blushed at Hermione's statement and quickly removed his arm to Hermione's.

The two sat down and stared at the table, blushing at what had just happened. Soonly after, the food appeared. Everyone started to dig in whilst Luna in the other table grabbed plum pudding and smiled. Draco in the other hand, headed straight for the chocolate frog cheesecake, he sliced a piece then grabbed the rest of the cake. Leaving one slice of cake, for his mates.

Everyone finished eating and started to head for their first class. Ron caught up to the two, "Merlin, Harry, you two didn't even waited for me, is it another one of your tricks, Harry?" Ron asked panting. Harry chuckled before replying to Ron. "Sorry, Ron. You should ask Hermione" The two looked at the bushy-haired girl. Hermione blushed, "Fine. I had to pull Harry out of the Great Hall, he's eating everything!" Hermione exclaimed, Harry was embarrassed whilst Ron laughed hysterically.

The trio had a wonderful time in class.

~Few Hours Later~


It was time for Transfiguration when one of their classmate accidentally poured water on Hermione's homework. Hermione looked at her homework with horror whilst her classmate frantically apologized. Hermione stood up and ran past Professor McGonagall, with tears streaming down her face. Professor McGonagall looked at the students with confusion. "Professor? Can I give Hermione my homework? Since hers was destroyed." Harry asked Professor McGonagall before excusing himself, "Very well, Mr. Potter, I will give you permission," Professor McGonagall stated. She looked at Harry as he left the room then announced "20 points to Gryffindor!"

Harry was looking for Hermione, he can't figure out now where she had gone. He was already panicking as he remembered, The girls' bathroom! Harry thought and quickly rushed to the bathroom.

"Poor you! You're about to fail!" Moaning Myrtle teased a sobbing Hermione. Hermione's sobs grew louder and louder whilst Moaning Myrtle tease her more.
"Hermione? Hermione!" Harry called out.
"Oh? Looks like your prince came to save you." Moaning Myrtle teased.
"Oh, Merlin's Beard, 'Mione!" Harry exclaimed. Hermione felt her heart skip a beat when Harry shortened her name. She wrapped her arms around his neck, sobbing. "Hermione? You can have my homework, you did helped me with it." Harry offered, "But, Harry! That's yours! Not mine." Hermione replied, "I know your grades are important to you." Harry smiled, Hermione couldn't refuse, he was right. She accepted the offer as she smiled at Harry. "Thank you, Harry" she smile,
"Come on, let's go back." Harry asked. Eventually, they got back to their class and their day ended brilliant.

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