Chapter 13: Unlucky

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or the concept of Harry Potter, they all belong to J.K. Rowling.


Pansy despise Luna. She had always hated her. Why? Because of Draco. Draco liked Luna from the start, that's why. Pansy freaked out when Draco announced the he and Luna are dating, after that, Harry and Hermione finally announced that they're dating. But she wasn't the only one who wants their relationship to break. Ron also, wants to break a relationship and it's gotta be his best friend's relationship with the girl he loved.

It all started from this.


Harry just asked Hermione to the ball with him, and of course she said yes. Ron hated everytime that they're happy. It should've been him and Hermione in the end not Harry and Hermione.

The day of the Ball

Harry was asking Neville for preparations in the Ball. As Harry get ready, Ron glared at him, secretly. Their friendship ended just because of a girl they both love. In the ball, Hermione looked like she was having the best night in her life. Swaying and dancing with when it should've been him in there. "Hello there, Weasel. I see that you're getting jealous of your best friend dancing with your girl." Pansy teased as Ron shot a glare at her.
"Look, see Looney over there having fun with my Draco?" Ron nodded, "I want Draco whilst you want Hermione, am I correct?" Ron nodded, "Just help me kidnap those two lovely ladies and you'll get the girl." Pansy explained, "Why Hermione? Why not Harry?" Ron suggested, "Well, Weasley. Harry is smart at this stuff, so we have to get the girl." Pansy explains as she threatens him. Ron nodded, "Meet me in the room of requirements after their date tomorrow." Pansy tells Ron as she walked away. Ron was hesitant but it was all for her.

Now, the present.

Ron and Pansy met in the room of requirements, setting up. "Well done, Weasley. Before we're gonna sabotage their relationship, we need to plan things out first." She explains, "Okay, so what's first? I kidnap Luna whilst you kidnap Hermione?" Ron chuckled. "That's a good idea, Weasley!" Pansy explains. "Wait I was joki—" Ron was then interrupted. "Let's go, Weasley." Pansy says excitedly.


Pansy went to the Gryffindor Dormitory with Ron. "Fortuna Major." Ron said, the painting open up and Pansy went in whilst Ron go to the Ravenclaw Dormitory. It was too early for anyone to be awake, Pansy looked for Hermione's room and found her. She went inside the room and quietly went to Hermione. "Petrificus Totalus" Pansy whispered, Hermione instantly froze. Pansy smirked and grabbed her. She carried her not making a single sound and left the Gryffindor Dormitory. She headed straight to the room of requirements. She taped Hermione's mouth and tied her hands. She smirked once more before she slappe her in the face for Ron.


Ron had no idea what the password was in the Ravenclaw Dormitory. Once he was in front of the eagle door knocker, it spoke. "What travels around the world staying in the same corner." The eagle door knocker ask. Ron had realized that the Ravenclaw's don't have a password. They have to answer a riddle to test their wit. "A stamp?" Ron said unsure. "Are you asking me or telling me?" The eagle door knocker ask once more. "Telling you." Ron said whilst the door to the Ravenclaw Dormitory open. Ron looked around and saw how beautiful their dorm is. He then went to the rooms and went to search for Luna. He then found Luna cuddling with Draco. What a surprise. Ron thought, he then casted a spell. He grabbed Luna and replace a pillow so Draco won't wake up. He left a note and left. He carried Luna quietly and went back to the room of requirements.


Ron went inside the room of requirements and placed her on the ground. Whilst Pansy tied Luna, Ron spoke up. "You won't believe what I just saw." Ron said. "What? Two students are up and asked you, how you got in?" Pansy chuckled. "No, Draco was shirtless and he was cuddling with Luna. They're both in the same bed!" Ron exclaimed. Pansy shouted "WHAT?" That echoed in the whole dungeon. Pansy imagined a dungeon, so Hermione and Luna were held captive in a horrific dungeon. Her shout woke the two ladies up and started to panic. "Aww, did Granger not expect Weasley to be on my side?" Pansy said in a teasing voice. Hermione started sobbing whilst Luna cried silently. "Hermione.." Ron whispered. "It should've been me and you! Not you and Harry! Hermione! Didn't you know, I was the one who was behind all of those sweet things Harry did to you? I asked him to do it because I was scared! I didn't think you'd end up with him! Years that I have been in love with you, Hermione! Years!" Ron cried out loud as Hermione sobs louder. A muffled 'I'm sorry' escaped Hermione's mouth. Pansy pushed Ron a side and slapped Hermione. Ron's heart ache. Then he realized he should have not agreed with Pansy from the start. Pansy then went up to Luna and rant about her. Ron went to the door. "I'll save you." Ron mouthed and left the room. Pansy then tortured the two not caring if Ron left as the two whimpered.


Draco woke up in Luna's room as he realized she was gone. There was a note saying. "If you want her back. Come to the room of requirements. -P.P" he shot up from the bed and panicked. He ran out of the room and left the Ravenclaw Dormitory. Once he arrived he bumped into a Panicked Harry. Draco figured they took Hermione too. Harry explained that whoever P.P is, took Hermione with them and said that come to the Room of requirements. "Also Malfoy, why are you shirtless?" Harry asked, Draco blushed as he realized he didn't have a shirt on. "W-well, I slept at Luna's room and forgot to wear a shirt." Draco replied as he blush again as what he said. Harry smirked and laughed at Draco. "Draco, did you and Luna do it?" Harry asked in a teasing voice with a little bit of worry. "I shouldn't have said that." Draco said. Harry giggled and went back to the reason why they're here. Ron then left the room and requirements whilst Harry and Draco was about to charge at Ron. "Harry! Hermione and Luna's are in there! Pansy is torturing them!" Ron cried out. Harry and Draco nodded and went in front the room of requirements. "What should we imagine, Ron?" Harry asked, "Allow me, Harry." Ron replied. Ron then imagined the dungeon and a door appeared. Draco thanked Ron whilst Harry went inside. The two found their girls in the ground being tortured by Pansy. "Well, well, well. Come to see the show?" Pansy teased. Draco about to hex Pansy but was stopped by Harry. "Tell us what you need, Pansy." Draco asked. "I want you, Draco! If you don't date me, I will kill them both!" Pansy replied. Draco looked at Luna with awe and sadness. Draco was about to give in for the sake of Luna's life. "Stop! Malfoy! Don't give in! She'll still kill her, if you date her!" Ron shouted from behind. Everyone turned to look at Ron. Pansy chuckled, "Well, found your brain now, Weasel? Of course, I would kill her! Even if Draco date me, he'd still see her." Pansy said in rage. "Avada Ked—" Pansy was then interrupted by Professor Snape, who Ron called. "Expelliarmus!" Professor Snape casted. Snape then went and grab Pansy. Harry and Draco untied Hermione and Luna. Harry hugged Hermione kissed her in the forehead. "Oh, 'Mione!" Harry cried out. Draco hugged Luna and kissed her lips. "I'm so Happy that you're alive!" Draco cried.
As Snape got Pansy, he questioned Draco, "Mister Malfoy, why are you shirtless?" Draco buried his face in Luna hair in embarrassment. The two couples had good day after the incident whilst Pansy was sent into Azkaban for an attempt of using one if the three unforgivable spells. Draco and Harry eventually forgave Ron and after that the two couples had a double date in The Three Broomsticks.

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