Chapter Eight: Plan

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or the concept of Harry Potter, they all belong to J.K. Rowling.


Draco woke up a little early than usual. He started to change clothes. He deciced to go outside and go to the Black Lake. As he walk in the Hallway, he realized someone joined him. "Good Morning, Malfoy." Harry approached, Draco looked at him then nodded. Harry was trying to start a conversation when Draco didn't really pay attention. "You're not part of the team, I see." Harry explained as he examined the blonde.

Today was a Quidditch match, Slytherins vs Hufflepuffs. Draco didn't join the team. "Decided to not join this year, your friend, Wealsey join eh?" Draco asked looking down at the other. He nodded in reply,
"Where are you going, anyway?" Draco asked as Harry accompanied him.
"The Black Lake, you?" Harry answered,
"Me too." Draco mumbled as the two started to go outside. They reached the Black Lake and Harry sat next to the three while Draco sat far away from him.

It was silent for a while. No one making any noise and Draco thought to break it. "So.." Draco mumbled as Harry turned to look at him. "When will you ask her to the ball? Hermione, when will you ask her?" Draco continued. Harry only shrugged, "I still don't know. Ron might ask her out though." Harry said disappointed. Draco saw Harry's reaction and felt bad. "Then, ask her later. Don't let that Weasley ask her." Draco pointed out. Harry shook his head.


"And, why not?"

"Because he was the one who asked me to do all those sweet things for Hermione." Harry said embarrassed. Draco was stunned as he listen. "But, we both like her." Harry said as he looked into the distant.
"Hey, Potter!" Draco called, He turned look at him. "You don't know how much Hermione likes you." Draco pointed out as Harry blushed. Draco smirked at Harry and looked into the distance, Harry did the same whilst still blushing.

Now, Harry's the one who's starting the conversation. "Malfoy? Are you gonna ask Luna to the ball, later?" Harry asks, Draco blushed hardly and nodded slowly. Harry chuckled at his reaction. "I'm gonna go back, you?" Harry asks, "Ye-yeah." Draco stuttered and stood up. Before the two walks back to their houses, Draco made a plan so Harry can ask Hermione to the ball.
"Okay, Potter. This is the plan. We stay at the Slytherin-"
"Ravenclaw tower, Luna's gonna sneak us in, so you can ask Hermione out to the ball whilst I ask Luna. Deal?" Draco explained whilst Harry nodded. The two retreated to their dorms before show time.

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