Chapter 14: Christmas

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or the concept of Harry Potter, they all belong to J.K. Rowling.


It was the 24th of December and just some hours later, It'll be Christmas eve. Harry, Ron, Draco, Hermione, Ginny, and Luna decided to spend their Christmas at Hogwarts. They were decorating the Great Hall with some other students who also stayed at Hogwarts for Christmas. They decided to take a break and the girls sat down in the ground whilst Luna look at the mistletoe. "So? What did you guys get for your partners?" Ginny asked, starting a question. "I haven't got one yet. Can you help me?" Luna says as she look away from the mistletoe back to her friends. "Well, what does he like? I got Harry a new broomstick since he likes his Quidditch so much and his other broomstick broke." Hermione explained. "Well, he does have a sweet tooth. But he's picky of chocolates. He wouldn't want cheap chocolates, he'd rather want a chocolate that's from France." Luna explained disappointed.

The other two pouted at her reply whilst Draco walk up to Luna and hug her from the back. "Hello, darling. Having fun with your friends?" Draco asked as he gave Luna a kiss on her cheek. She nodded as she boop his nose. Draco smiled at Luna's cuteness. He adored her so much. Draco looked at the two girls who was watching and apologized, he told them they can have her back now as he walks up to Harry.

"Luna! I know what's your gift for him!" Hermione whispered. "Really? What is it?" Luna replied back in a whisper. "Gift him some loving tonight!" Hermione whispered whilst Luna's eyes went wide. "What! You mean, my gift for him is my virginity?" Luna whispered yell. Hermione facepalmed whilst Ginny chuckled. "You're still a virgin?! I thought you weren't! Draco did came to the room of requirements, shirtless." Hermione exclaimed, Ginny looked confused because they didn't know what had happen. (Except for Pansy being in Azkaban) "I'm not even gonna ask." Ginny sighed as he walk over to Dean. "Let's just get chocolates from Honeydukes and hope he won't mind it." Luna says as she stood up and held out her hand. Hermione took it and stood up.

The two girls left the Great Hall and went to their Dorm to change clothes. They then met up in the Hallway with layered clothes and left the school and headed to Hogsmeade. The two girls went inside Honeydukes. "So, Luna. You did mention he has a sweet tooth, didn't you?" Hermione asked. Luna nodded and reached down to her pockets. She groaned and looked back at Hermione. "Why?" Hermione asks. "I'm a little low on cash." Luna says disappointed. "Don't worry, Luna. Look, we're gonna buy everything that'll catch your eye and that'll be my Christmas gift to you." Hermione said as she pat Luna's back. Luna wrapped her arms around her and thanked Hermione for her early Christmas gift. Luna bought everything that had the word 'Chocolate' in it. After they bought Draco a gift, Luna had also bought Harry a gift. After that the two went inside Flourish and Blotts so Luna can also buy Hermione a gift. "Luna? Why are we in here?" Hermione asks. "Well, Hermione. I figured I also buy you an early Christmas present. I already saw what you would like so here." Luna explained so the two can be equal. Luna bought Hermione a book entitled 'A History of Magic'. Hermione hugged Luna and smiled at her. She thanked her for the early Christmas gift that Luna gave.

The two went back to the castle and went to Luna's room. The two wrapped their presents for their men as they chat.


Draco and Harry was talking about the presents for their ladies. "I got Luna some new Quibblers. She's been down lately. I asked her Dad if he had any new Quibblers. He says he does and sent it to me." Draco explained tired. "Well I got my 'Mione a new book. It's Hogwarts: A History. It was a limited edition one. And a bouquet of flowers." Harry replied. The two talked about their plans for later.

~Christmas Eve~

It was Christmas Eve and everyone's in the Great Hall about to do a countdown for Christmas. Luna sat with Draco, holding his hand. The two were under the mistletoe looking up at it.
"What are we looking at Luna?" Draco asks.
"Mistletoe." Luna replied simply.
"No, I know that. I mean what are we looking at the Mistletoe?" Draco asks with a chuckle.
"Nargles." Luna said airily. Draco nodded and realized they're under the mistletoe. Draco turned to look at Luna's lips and kissed them. Luna was shocked at Draco's action, she kissed back and pulled away after. Luna chuckled as she realized they're under the mistletoe.
Harry and Hermione in the other hand, were holding hands and cuddling, not having a care in the world.

"5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1! Happy Christmas everyone!" Everyone counted with Joy and patience. Draco pulled Luna to the Mistletoe with a gift in his hands. "Happy Christmas, Darling." Draco said sweetly as Luna opened her gift. Luna was surprised to see new Quibblers. She turned to look at Draco who was grinning. "How?" Luna asks.
"Only the best for my lady." Draco replied with a kiss on the cheek. Luna then gave Draco his gift. "Sorry. it's not much. Buying chocolates from France is too tiring." Luna replied. "I think it's everything that I wanted. Plus you, Luna. You completes my whole life." Draco said tenderly as he broke the gap between them. He leaned in for a kiss as Luna kiss back. It was long and passionate, Luna pulled back. Both are in each other's embrace and their foreheads touching. "Happy Christmas too, Love." Luna replies.

Harry pulled out the bouquet of flowers with a book. He gave it to her as he cupped her face. "Happy Christmas, Honey." Harry said as he pecked Hermione's lips. Hermione smiled and revealed a new broomstick from the back. Harry's expression went from sweet to surprised. It was the best gift. "Happy Christmas too, Sweetheart." Hermione says before leaning towards him. He kissed back and smiled. Harry pulled away and kissed her cheeks.

The two couples stayed strong. Luna and Draco got married and got their first child, Pandora, who was named after Luna's mother.

Harry and Hermione in the other hand, got married and had a family. Their first child was a male, James, who was named after Harry's dad.

The two families remained as close friends whilst James and Pandora developed feelings for each other.

=The End=

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