Chapter Six: Library

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or the concept of Harry Potter, they all belong to J.K. Rowling.


Luna was sleeping peacefully when she heard a noise. Specifically, footsteps. Growing louder and louder, Luna woke up at the noise a but irritated and rubbed her eyes. She looked around to see Padma, shocked.

She looked at Luna, surprised. "Finally, You're awake!" Padma exclaimed, Luna only looked at her more confused. "Luna, it's 8:00! Breakfast already started!" Padma exclaimed. Luna started to ran for the bathroom change her clothes and slipped on her robes quickly.

Luna ran past down Cho and left the dorm. As she skipped down the halls with speed. She didn't think much since her first class starts at 9:00. She looked around the place, too lost into her own thoughts that she bumped into someone.

It was Pansy Parkinson, a bully. "Watch where you're going, Looney!" Pansy sneered. Luna apologized as Crabbe pushed her down. Goyle took one kick whilst Pansy laughed. They gave her a good tease then left her alone whilst Luna sat there, pained.


Draco, same as Luna, overslept and now he's walking to the Great Hall. As he went up the stairs to the Hallway. He saw a dirty blonde girl, pushed on the ground and a black haired girl laughing. He realized it was Pansy. Hesaw how Pansy bullied Luna and he did not liked it.

The three eventually left her alone whilst she sat there, Pansy saw Draco passing and looked at him with heart-eyes. Draco only rolled his eyes at her. He walked over to Luna and held his hand out for her to grab.

Luna saw Draco looking down at him and smiled. She took his hand and Draco helped her pull herself up. "Draco? Did you had a good sleep the other night." Luna asked as she look at him, "Yes, thank you, Luna." Draco smirked.

The two walked in silence as they entered the Great Hall. Not many students were there, the two started to go to their respective tables, "Draco, you should let go now." Luna whispered, Draco blushed a bright pink shade "R-Right" Draco stuttered as he let go of her hand.


-First Class, 9:00-

It's now time for Charms. Luna thought as she listened very carefully. They were learning different kind of spells as Professor Flitwick show them how to use it and when to use it.


Draco groaned as Professor Trelawney talk about gibberish whilst Draco didn't listen. He didn't believe as such stuff. He started to think about Luna.

Why are you always thinking about her, Draco? Snap out of it! His mind nagged him. Draco quickly snap out of it and tried to understand the lesson. He had to stop before he starts to think of her again and say her name out loud.

Draco suddenly felt empty. His hand felt empty, he realized how Luna's small hand fitted perfectly with his. He blushed at the thought, some hours has passed and the lesson ended.

Blaise and Draco went outside to go to Potions Class, he started to ask him. "Hey, Draco, you okay? You seem ill." Blaise asked him worrily, Draco looked at Blaise embarrassed as he realized he has been blushing throughout the lesson. "I'm good, Blaise, don't worry about me." Draco said as he hurried to Potions.

~Few Minutes Later~

"Today, we are going to learn how to make a Love Potion, which is Amortentia. The most powerful love potion in existence. It smells differently to each person. For example, Draco! What do you smell?" Professor Snape explained in a deep voice. "I smell Mistletoes, Sunflowers, and a new set of Magazines." Draco pointed out. Draco blushed as he realized who smelled like that. Luna... Draco thought as he blushed throughout the whole lesson, unfocused.

~End of Classes~


It was end of classes and Luna thought it was a great idea to stay at the Library. She walked past some students loitering around. She was in front of the Library door. She stretched out her hand to reach the handle when she accidentally held someone else's.

She looked up to see whose hand it belonged to. She saw Draco staring back at her, Draco turned bright red as Luna jerked her hand. Draco opened the door for both of them and went inside. The two searched for a vacant table as they saw the other tables are occupied.

The two reached the end and saw one vacant table. The two sat across from each other and Luna pulled out her Quibbler and started to read. Draco had only stared at her, he examined her features.

Draco stares at her for a couple more minutes. He then started a to talk "So, Luna.." Draco whispered, Luna was shocked as she heard her first name escape from Draco's lips. She couldn't help but look up and smile at him. "D-did it hurt? When Pansy pushed you down?" Draco stuttered, "It's fine, Draco. I'm sure it's all fun and games." Luna smiled at him.

He didn't like the way she was being stubborn. So he reached out for her hand and rubbed it gently. He smiled and sat beside her. Draco joined her in reading the Quibbler and the two spent the remaining hours cuddling and reading until it was curfew. Draco escorted Luna back in the Ravenclaw Tower as they bid their goodbyes and goodnights. Draco started to head back to the Dungeon, blushing as he went to bed.

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