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I knocked at her door. I have been planning this trip for a long time. But I never thought it would be to hide this way. She opened the door lovingly looking at me. "Mom, can I stay with you for a while?" She just hugged me. "Oh Sam, I am so sorry" She whispered. "It's ok mom. I am fine I am just..."

She hugged me tighter. "You can cry nono, I am your mother, there nothing you should hide from me." She held me in her arm stroking my hairs. I finally broke down. "Am I cursed mom?" I asked. "No nono, you are not. You are my dear sweet boy. And remember the sweetest person always cry the most tears. But that is because they prevail in every circumstance that might come in their way." She said.

"I cannot help it but feel angry mom, why she have to do this? And after I have opened my heart in front of her. Told her my deepest darkest secrets and she broke me, broke my confidence, broke me in the ways I never thought will be possible again." I said. I felt pain, so much pain inside. I don't know how to cope up with it. I cannot cope up with it. It hurts so bad.

"My sweet little boy, everything will be fine with time I promise. These days too will be history. I promise you Son, you will feel better with time. I know it looks impossible now, but soon you will know that your momma was right. Because I have and you too will. You are strong Sam. Even when everything always tried to knock you down. You haven't and that's what so special about you."

I held her tightly trying to consle myself that all she had told me was real. My mother knows me more better than I know myself. After all she is my mother isn't it? "Mom, can I sleep in your lap? O am so tired and lonely. You will not push me away will you?" I asked. "never nono, sleep and I will watch you like this I promise. " She said. I closed my eyes finally. Knowing that she will be here, my safe heaven, my mother.

Next morning I woke up seeing I was still sleeping in her lap. She was stroking my hairs little by little. "Mom? What time is it?" I asked. "Little after ten, you looked tired nono, so I let you rest for a while." She told me. I started to remember everything that had happened to me and then I realised that it wasn't just a nightmare. It had happened in reality and the more I remember, the more angry it made me.

Angrier, madder at myself and at the world. How could I have been so foolish? How could I have been so naïve. My mother tried to warn me about this. About her but me? I never did listen, did I? all the pain and hurt I felt, only I am responsible for this. "Sam, are you alright son?" Mom asked me worriedly.

"Yes, I am fine mom, I like to go for a run. I will come back soon I promise." I didn't wait for her answer and I put on my shoes getting out. I wanted to have a drink and I know a very good place. Probably I would have picked someone because being nice doesn't going to work anymore.

When I saw the diner I got in. I wanted to get drunk, Here I was sitting waiting for my turn and saw a quote

Feeling down? Try smiling, you might brighten someone's day and yours too

This quote? It was... "Your sister wrote it" I saw the owner. "Aunt Antte, I didn't saw you there. Sorry, I am in such a bad mood." I told her. "And if you had known that this Diner was mine you might not have came in here?" She asked. I shook my head. "I would have came in here Aunty. I was just..."

"Upset? Feeling down? Down enough to make everyone worry? Does anyone knows where you are young man? Just because someone broke your heart doesn't gives you right to dampen everyone's mood like this. You shall be ashamed of yourself. You know how much your sister and mother depends on you? And you running away wont help. If you ran that only means your father would get what he always wanted."

I looked at her shocked how does she knows all this? "These hairs aren't turned grey for no reason. don't look so surprised. Rosa had called me. And unlike some she maintains a regular contact with me. Now what are you here for? To mope or to get your life back on track?" She asked looking at me? "I want to get my life back on track. But I don't know how am I going to look past all that had happened."

"You can't because that had happened. But you can always start a fresh, start anew. Start thinking from a new perspective. Forget about what you couldn't have done in past, and start focusing on what you can do now." She said. "Now, why don't you help me and your mother out? We need some extra staff. And god knows how well I am at managing this hungry crowd." I chuckled.

"Sure Aunt Anette. I shall come back after I gotten fresh and changed my clothes." "Now that is something I like to hear young man, optimism, you have single handedly raised a billion dollar empire. This little thing shouldn't bring you down. That is what your father is aiming for to distract you from the real thing. Your business and your empire and most importantly Sam, yourself."

He wanted to break me and he did in a very harsh and cruel way. I didn't know why he was doing all this. I don't know what is his problem in seeing me happy. But he is like that. He always was but what had pained me most is not him but her. After all I have been through with Iris, how could she do this to me and being ready to be married to someone too? Someone who is not me?

Then what were those moments we shared. What all those things I have told her? What about it? What about us? Why she had done what she had done? Why cannot I just let it go?

Because in spite of all that had happened you love her

I love Iris. That is what hurting too much. It is not my ego, not my confidence but my heart. My heart doesn't wish to believe that the girl who had saved me once can do such a thing, she cannot do this and, in my heart, I know this very well. Maybe that is what is being difficult for me to understand. How can she be so much cruel? She loved little kids, and her heart as pure as anyone can gets, I cannot believe that she could be scheming this way.

But maybe appearances can be deceiving, much more deceiving than before. Appearances can be so much deceiving but yet again I don't know what her truth is. Certainly not something that I know and certainly not something that she shows. It is something else entirely. So I need to find out why she did what she did.

"Sam, next order is up" I heard Aunt Anette said. I have been silent for five months. Five long months since I came, since I have left New York and since I have talked to my sister. I placed the plate in the counter. "Your regular is here Sam. She is asking for the chef." I nodded and walked out. She is one beautiful girl in past couple of months I have tried hard to forget Iris and thus many and many one-night stands. But she is another kind of drug, so hard to swallow and even harder to forget.

"What can I get you love?" I asked. "How about another date?" Oh, she is forward. "Hmmm... let me see... I don't do the second times usually but for a beautiful company such as you..." The news came and I looked at the television. There was a news about Prince enterprises how it is being rising high in the area of hotel business.

I balled my hands into fists. He is making all that way to the top because I am not there. Because I am not in New York he think he can surpass me doesn't he? But he is in for a nasty little surprise. He shouldn't have played me this way. He thinks he knows me and he can easily defeat me. But no he cannot.

"I need to go Aunt Anette." I told her. She nodded. "Hey, what about our date?" She asked. I smiled and kissed her cheek. "Next time love, sure." I said and pulled my apron keeping it on the counter. And then I walked out of the place. I need to find my mother and talk to her about this. As soon as I can.

I know I promised her countless time that I am going to look past it. Look past everything that had happened in my life, start again be a new man but can I ever actually forget all that he had put me through? I don't think it is possible. It is not possible until he is living and breathing.

I walked inside the house to see my mother was talking to someone on the phone. "Mom we need to talk" I told her. "Yes, Sam we do need to talk." She replied looking at me." Come on in there are many, many things we need to discuss Son"

Word Count: 1655 Words

The Billionaire's heart (The Billionaire Love #3 )Where stories live. Discover now