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***Remington's POV***

I wake up and wash the tracks of my tears from my eyes. I might have attended a pity party for myself in the early morning hours.

It is Saturday and I have pack training this morning. I don't mind. Being a part of a bigger picture is a blessing.

I stroll out of my room dressed in my Adidas Trainers, grey joggers and a white tee shirt. My dog tag hangs nestled between my pecks. Each time I remember it, I smile. That was my favorite gift I received yesterday.

I walk into the kitchen met by my Mom. She is a lunatic angel, my angel. I love her.

"Remi. Good morning sweetheart." Mom greets me as she places my breakfast and coffee in front of me.

"Thank you for breakfast and thank you for the party." I offer my appreciation to both my parents. My Dad is at the head of the table. His coffee is to his lips and his news paper is in hand.

Jace and Allison come waltzing in. Both sporting their marks and smiles as bright as the sun.

"Good morning Alpha, Luna, Bestie." Jace sings.

"I see you manipulated Ally into accepting you." I smirk.

"Yep!" Jace high fives me.

"Congratulations again you too. Welcome home Beta Ally." My dad announces.

I smile at the thought. We are a lucky pack.

"I have to get passed my Alpha." Ally whimpers.

"That won't be an issue." Jace grits his teeth.

"Ally, why is your Alpha a problem?" My Dad questions.

"He says I am his mate." Ally whispers.

Jace growls loudly into the air and Kai raises his cackles.

"You must be speaking of Alpha York's son." My dad clarifies.

"Yes Sir, it's Hunter. He says he is my mate. But, Jace is my mate." Ally confirms.

"He won't be an issue dear. We will have your stuff sent over. Your parents are welcome to visit as they please." My Dad explains.

"Thank you Alpha Mathews." Ally smiles.

"Alpha Jamison." Mom kisses Ally as she sets plates down for Ally and Jace.

"Thank you, Luna." Ally speaks.

"No problem sweet pea." Mom sits down for breakfast after helping the staff set breakfast out for the wolves that live in our pack house.

"Remi I found one of your gifts you didn't get to open last night." Mom announces.

"Okay. Thank you." I smile at my mom while I sip my coffee.

Mom walks to the kitchen and brings me a square package wrapped in brown kraft paper. It has a thin Raffia ribbon tied into a parcel bow.

I hold the heavy present and Kai stirs.

"Mate" Kai whimpers.

"It's a gift silly." I dismiss my whiny wolf.

I unwrap the gift and look down at the book in my hands. Robert Frost. He is my favorite poet. I open the book and a small note falls from the cover. The penmanship is perfect calligraphy. The smell stirs butterflies in my stomach.

Happy Birthday Remington. I hope you still love poetry.

"What does the note say?" Jace asks.

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