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***Remi's POV***

I was such a dick this morning. I'm shocked Talon even forgave me. I can't believe I spanked him out of frustration. Such. An. Ass.

Looking at my sleeping mate, I feel like the biggest jerk. He sleeps peacefully, curled around a pillow. His hands are clasped together in a steeple.

I bend down and kiss his precious face. I slip out of the bed and head to the kitchen.

My mom is already preparing lunch. I'm starving. After my conniption fit, I didn't have much of an appetite.

"How's he feeling?" Mom asks.

"Sleeping." I confirm.

"Have you two talked?" Mom questions me.

"He says he forgives me." I groan as I place my head in my hands.

"This is unchartered territory for you baby. Don't beat yourself up." Mom rubs her hands over my spine.

"No, I will save all my energy to beat Talon up instead." I grumble.

"Hey." Dad walks in and his tone is less than subtle.

"What?" I angrily bark. I drop my hands from my face and stare at him.

"Don't take that tone with me." My Dad warns.

"Sorry. I'm so fucking stressed out." I whine.

"I was just going to tell you." My Dad restarts the conversation. "Cut yourself some slack. Talon isn't upset and that's what matters."

"He's not upset because he hasn't processed that I spanked him like he was a child. What the fuck was I thinking? I don't even deserve a mate. Let alone deserve Talon." I admit.

I fucking hate me right now.

"Okay. Okay. Let's have a talk." My Dad beckons me to walk outside with him.

We sit on the porch swing. Dad rests his arm over my shoulders.

"Son, let me tell you how bad our first month of pregnancy was." My Dad chuckles.

"Please do." I mumble.

"You're Mom and I, we did NOT start off great. Sure, we waited about a second after finding we were mates to consummate." My Dad smiles and I can tell he is reliving something that is sure to give me nightmares.

"Anyway, you were conceived immediately. The first few days after we found out, were utter bliss. I coddled. I fawned. I worshipped. It was like second nature." He shrugs as he looks over at me.

"She was hungry. Your Mom was constantly crying. I couldn't help but want to take care of her." Dad continues.

"What happened?" I ask.

"Life. Pack duties piled on. Responsibilities hit me like a ton of bricks. Suddenly, I couldn't make time for your mom at all. I missed our first appointment because I fell asleep in the office. I didn't want to bombard Marcus with my share of the load, so instead I let your mom carry the weight." Dad confesses.

"What did you do?" I urge him.

"Well, your mom was busy carrying both our weight around the house. She was completing her Luna duties. I was so proud. Then the unimaginable happened." Dad chokes up and I squeeze his hand.

"She started bleeding. It wasn't a lot but, it was enough. The doctor explained that the stress was too much. She was pushing herself too hard. He put her on bed rest." My Dad explains.

"Then and only then, I realized my mistakes. Instead of allowing others to step in and help, I was pressuring my precious Luna to push herself farther than she should have. So, I decided from that moment forward to prioritize." Dad sighs.

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