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***Talon's POV***

"Remington Mathews, Ugh." Groaning I try to remove my mate's hands off of my hips. To no avail, Remi continues holding me as if I am a mirage that will disappear.

"I just love you so fucking much." Remi places a kiss on my neck, making me smile through my eyes rolling. I hide that smile. He doesn't need to know.

"I love you too." My feet pull both of us towards the bathroom. "It's been two years, I'm not going anywhere. Can I please take a crap, alone?" I push Remi back while trying desperately to close the bathroom door.

"I don't want us to be separated." Remi whines as he does every time I walk a foot away from him. I'm used to it by now.

"Love me on the other side of the door. I just need to crap." Remi nods while he pouts. I reach forward to kiss him, hoping to placate him long enough to relieve my bowels.

Everyday, since the Moon Goddess fucked up, I spend reassuring my love that I am here.
I don't mind. Believe me, I don't. But, there are certain things we were meant to do alone. Taking a poo is one of those lonely instances.

Hurrying through my ordeal, I flush, wash up and open the bathroom door. As expected, Remi hasn't moved. I pull him into my arms to soothe both him and Kai. A relieved sigh escapes my mate.

If Remi is persistent, Kai is suffocating. I fucking love it. I let Meka through for a moment so he can do his part to soothe our mate. Meka tenderly reassures his Kai that we haven't gone anywhere at all.

Once I feel as though Remi can function at a decent level, I put a few inches between us. Remi allows the small space, although he reluctantly keeps his hold on my form.

The sound of books falling causes me to hurry out of our suite door. With Remi behind me, we make our way to the scene of the noise.

In the nursery, I find disarray. Hannah giggles while Gracie gives her a serious case of evil eyes. Tsking to myself, I shake my head while making my way into the abyss.

Picking up Gracie, I turn to our trouble maker. Hannah whistles. Her fingers curl a strand of hair. Hannah looks everywhere except at me and her father.

"Spill it." I use my no nonsense tone. Hannah is used to it. Like I said, trouble maker.

"She started it." Hannah points an accusing finger towards sweet Gracie, the good egg. Rolling my eyes, I turn to Remi. His hands smooth down roughly over his face, drawing a sigh from his lips.

"How?" Remi glares at the bad egg. Hannah gives him a look incredulously. Remi is beyond irritated, as always when it comes to Hannah's shenanigans.

"I ask her to play. No. She told me no." Hannah defiantly argues her meager case. Her hands move frantically to help us realize the weight of her terrible predicament.

"So, let's get this straight. She wouldn't play with you, so you threw Gracie's books on the floor?" My hands have found their way on to my hips. My foot taps relentlessly at an even pace.

"Yep." Hannah smiles wickedly. Obviously she is satisfied that she in the right. Wrong!

"Pick up the books. Then find a spot on the timeout bench." Remi snaps his fingers to emphasize his demand.

Hannah rolls her eyes. Her feet stomp as she stares at the mess that she has created. After a final countdown, she picks up the books.

When she is finished, she goes to walk out of the room.

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