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***Remi's POV***

Waking up to a shift from my pup, my body jolts. The pain from yesterday has settled deep into my bones. It's wrath leaves a heavy weight upon my heart.

My fingers gingerly search for Edward's back, attempting to shush my pup back to sleep. Exhaustedly, I peel my eyes apart to access the condition of my broken family.

Kai howls loudly, alerting me of something amiss. Jumping, jostling the bed, I sit up to find the danger.

Met with a smile that I do not want to see, I immediately snarl at my creator. With hands up as if begging for peace, the Moon Goddess approaches. Lips parting, she begins to speak. I shake my head.

Whatever she has come to say, I do not want to hear it. She has lost my respect. Deity or not, the Moon Goddess has been unjust. I owe her nothing.

Moving carefully to remove myself from the blanket of wolves, protecting me, I stand upon my feet to face the Benedict Arnold. Her presence is unwelcome, a nuisance.

Crooking my finger in her direction, I silently lead her out of my bedroom. I do not need her defiling all that I have left. The damage she has done will be enough for one lifetime.

Turning suddenly, my form towers over the gorgeous woman. Love radiates around her, through her. Blasphemy rolls off of her sheer dress in tumultuous waves.

"What now?" My hands clench at my sides.

"Remington, please." The Goddess looks at me pleadingly. I couldn't care any less.

"Speak your piece and leave. You are unwelcome here." My words are acidic, meant to scar her a tiny portion of how she broke me.

"I deserve that." Her whisper brings an incredulous eye roll from me. Damn right she does, and so much more.

"I have come to beg your forgiveness." The moon goddess bows her head in shame.

"Negative. Thanks for coming. Please don't return." Venom laces my haughty denial.

"I made a mistake." The Moon Goddess peeks at me from under her lashes.

"Fuck yeah you did. What are you going to do about it?" Crossing my arms, I send her daggers with my eyes.

"Come." The Moon Goddess says no more as she turns away from me.

"In case you didn't properly access the situation, I have a family to care for, alone. Thanks to you." My not so gentle reminder brings a stiff nod from my creator.

"We will only be walking outside. I won't take much of your time." Her words are soft, full of promise.

Agreeing, I follow behind her.

As we make our way out of the pack house, the wind picks up, brushing my skin. Littered goosebumps raise. A scent I would know in death comes filtering into my nostrils, causing pain and peace to fill me. I shutter at the memory that is too fresh.

Blinking against the morning sun, blurred eyes focus at the sky. It weeps. Rain pours from the clouds, looking too beautiful in the moment. Cool drops fall as the clouds echo my overbearing emotions.

"Get on with it." I move my focus to my Goddess. Not that she deserves my loyalty, at all.

"Even deities are subject to human moments. I am not without flaw." The Goddess gives me eyes full of grief. I nod in acceptance of her admission.

"I thought that love made you weak. That was my mistake. Pain makes you weak. Love bears all, sees all, covers all. I have unjustly meddled. I must meddle once again." Confusing words pour from the ruler of my world. My eyes narrow at her convoluted statement.

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