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***Remington's POV***

Maybe we forgive too easy. But, maybe that is what makes us who we are. How can I be a leader if I cannot let the past rest? How can I expect my people to respect me if I do not offer a better future.

Listening to Lutz was not nearly as hard as I expected. That is probably due to the sincerity that dripped from every word he spoke. I respect the fuck out of Lutz for publicly confessing his wrongs.

His words were earnest and heavy. Every one touched my soul. My heart stirred as I watched his affirmations for Talon. Lutz did an apology major justice.

I won't lie. I will forever keep an eye on Lutz. But, I will also stand aside and let him mend his relationship with my beloved. Talon deserves that. No one deserves that more.

The light in Talon's eyes as he listened to Lutz, had me wiping tears away. My baby smiled like the sun had kissed him on the cheek. I would give anything to see that smile. I am. I am giving a second chance to a bully.

Lutz wasn't the only one to apologize today. Soon after he walked out of the pack house, the next round began. Lyle Pearson, walked in flanked by his dad Eric and his mom Jenny. He marched right up to my Luna and stood tall for the whole pack to bear witness.

He took full responsibility for his part in Talon's torture. He made no excuses. He confessed every disgusting detail of his sins. Then, he bowed before my love and weeped. He begged for mercy and forgiveness. He asked for a second chance.

Talon accepted and gave him exactly the same offer as Lutz. He hugged Lyle and accepted an opportunity to become friends again. My Luna is a god damn angel.

Eric and Jenny came next. They apologized profusely. Talon shushed them. While the apology was genuine and appreciated, it was completely unnecessary.

Lloyd's parents came in offering a different apology. Their's came without their son. That was heart breaking but, accepted none the less. Lloyd is a big boy. He will come when and if he is ever ready.

Mike and Maria offered their hands to help my sweet man heal. They offered everything under the moon to put this right. They offered words of beauty, appreciation and honor. They spoke sorrowfully for the sins of their child. They told us that Lloyd would be attending therapy for his role in Talon's abuse.

They also revealed that Lloyd is struggling with homophobia. They are seeking counseling for him for that as well. He is completely distraught over Lutz Cassidy coming out as gay.

While I find that disturbing, I chose to let them handle it. Lutz is gay. Join the club. It's fucking fabulous.

John and Marley were the last to come in. They kissed the cheek's of my love. They poured words of encouragement and praise into my mate. They spent an hour complimenting him for being the beautiful soul he is. They also offered every resource available, including themselves, to help Talon heal.

By the end of the apology tour, Talon was beaming. Love had been rained on him. I could feel his happiness radiating like the rays of the sun.

The tears that were shed today were cleansing and exhausting. I helped Talon to the couch so he could nap. I tucked him in and kissed his precious lips. I told him how absolutely proud I was of him.

Today has been magnificent so far.

While Talon slept, I worked on a date for the two of us. I want to spend some quality time loving my amazing mate. He deserves to know he is my world.

As Talon stirred, I walk to him and greet him with my warm arms. He immediately jumps into my awaiting embrace. I sigh in contentment and nuzzle his neck. I peck his neck several times before releasing him.

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