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***Talon's POV***

I wasn't even in the mood for the shit Alpha Hunter sent our way.


I'm the Luna of one of the strongest packs in existence.

When life hands you crap, make shit pie and serve it warm to your enemies.

Remi was up late and up again early for days on end. He came to bed exhausted. I was more than happy to curl up in his arms and help my mate relax.

The days are trickling by and we haven't heard a single peep from the teenage Alpha who wrongfully claims Ally as his mate.

It's truly worrisome.

Often, nothing good comes from silence.

I contacted the Blackwater Pack. They are all too eager to stand beside us. To which, I am truly grateful.

Alpha Jamison contacted the council. I have a meeting between Elder Ruth and the Council Elders today. They want to test out a few theories on Meka. It's fine by me. I'm willing to do anything possible to help my pack. As long as it doesn't negatively effect our pups, that is.

"Baby, you ready?" Remi asks.

It's the butt crack of dawn. I wouldn't exactly say I'm ready. However, I scoot to the edge of the bed to make it easier for Remi to scoop me up into his strong arms.

"These babies are heavy." Remi carefully jokes. He still thinks I'm fragile over my weight.

I truly don't care how much I gain. I realize I am one hundred percent all baby. Well, babies.

And these pups aren't so little.

"Try carrying them in your hips." I giggle when Remi winces.

"Thank you Baby." Remi kisses my nose.

"My pleasure." I roll my eyes. The man never stops thanking me. I mean it's kinda my part in this relationship.

"You are doing so well. You know?" Remi sets me down at the breakfast counter.

"Yeah. Yeah. I'm a god. It's kinda expected." I playfully chide.

"What's up Tal? Ready to tap into that power?" Jace comes by and fists bumps me.

"Hopefully it's something cool. You know like green lasers shooting out of your eyes." Ally sits beside me giggling.

She's so stupid.

"Yeah. Sure. Then I can mutate into a fucking ninja turtle." I roll my eyes when Ally glares my way.

"Someone hasn't had their coffee." Jace sets my morning love in front of my face.

"Thanks Beta." I smile sweetly at my dork of a wingman.

"I'm his Beta." Jace points at Remi.

"Fine. Thanks His Beta." I duck when Jace throws a piece of toast at me.

"That's food abuse." Alpha Jamison catches the toast and takes a big bite.

"He probably licked that." I warn.

"Eh, I have faced worse." Alpha Jamison shrugs and takes a seat.

Luna Cass walks over with My father in law's coffee. She kisses his cheek and gently sets the cup in front him.

"Thank you, sweetie." Alpha Jamison winks and Luna Cass blushes.

They are friggin adorable.

"After breakfast we will head over to the conference room. The elders will be here within the hour." Alpha Jamison confirms.

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