Is He Serious

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Spencer McNally

*** Lyle's POV***

"Well, aren't you an asshole." Spencer stomps off towards the door.

Is he fucking serious right now?


"Spence, bring your ass back here right now!" I bellow out at the cute omega who has balls the size of the moon.

"I don't think I will." Spence opens the door and slams it behind himself.

"That, Uh, went." Lutz scratches the back of his head.

"What the fuck was that?" I scream out of frustration. I pick up the nearest object and fling it at the wall.

"Refrain from breaking my shit." Alpha Jamison says as he slips into the room.

"Sorry." I mumble.

"What's the trouble?" Alpha chuckles.

"My mate said I'm an asshole." I seethe.

"Are you?" Alpha smirks.

"Probably." I huff out.

"Okay, in Lyle's defense" Talon walks over and wraps his arm around Alpha's bicep while he leads Alpha Jamison behind the desk to replace Remi in the seat.

"Lyle and Spencer got off on the wrong foot." Talon explains.

"So, Spencer McNally is your mate." Alpha chuckles. "Good luck, you're going to need it."

"What's that even about?" I bark.

"He's got a bit of an attitude." Alpha laughs out loudly.

"You don't say." Lutz laughs.

"Just help me figure this shit out." I groan.

"Okay. Okay. You're gonna have to apologize, first off." Alpha states firmly.

"I'm not even sure what I did wrong." I whine.

"Welcome to relationships." Alpha grins.

"This is too much trouble." I huff out while drumming my fingers on the wall that I am leaning against.

"Anything worth having, is worth working for." Remi announces.

I look over at my friend and future Alpha. He has his arms wrapped around Talon, gently moving his thumb over our future Luna's hip bone.

"I just want what all of you have." I groan out.

"It takes work." Talon nods his head at his own statement.

"Where is the pull, the instant tingles, the love at first sight?" I throw my hands in the air out of frustration.

"Well, not everyone has the same experience." Alpha explains.

"This is my punishment." I argue.

"That attitude isn't helping." Alpha chastises me.

"Is it worth it?" Ally pipes up.

"What? Having a mate? Fuck yeah. But, I am not dealing with his shit. That much I can tell you." I raise my own eyebrow, daring any one to object.

"Apparently, it's not." Alpha groans.

"Fine! Just tell me how to make him want me." I relinquish.

"Just be honest." Lloyd whispers.

It shocks me that his voice holds so much conviction.

"Explain please." I turn to Lloyd.

"It's sort of the same situation between me and Lutz. Also, between Remi and Talon. I wasn't honest with Lutz, so when I realized we were mates, I withdrew. I fed myself only one scenario: rejection. You saw how I freaked when Lutz realized we were mates. Talon crushed on Remi; Remi crushed on Tal. Lutz crushed on Tal. Not one single one of us were honest, it caused major issues. Just go to your mate and explain why you didn't tell him you liked him before. Why was it that you didn't confess before?" Lloyd asks. His head tilts to the side in confusion.

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