Lucky Mate

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***Talon's POV***

Remi acts as though this pregnancy is going to be so easy. I am unsure. Only knowing my own experience, I can't help but worry for my mate.

I am so lucky to have Remington. Many Alphas may not want to be seen as the submissive type. Considering he is pregnant with our child, it is apparent to everyone around us that he does submit. It's definitely a switch hitting kind of relationship.

I still like bottoming for him more than being on top. However, I don't mind feeling myself inside of him at all. It is a little bit of a power high.

I watch as Remi sleeps; he takes a lot of naps at the moment. I know he is exhausted from growing our newest pup. Holding Hannah and Gracie in my lap, their bottles bounce against their tiny mouths. They squirm in my hold, whimpering for the trapped gas to be manipulated from their little bodies.

I turn both girls over on their tummies, gently rocking them with my knees. My hands run the length of their backs, all the way up to their necks to push the air pocket from their diaphragms.

After both girls expel the unnecessary air, I flip them over, kissing their little feet. My girls bring me plenty of entertainment as they giggle at my shenanigans. The sound is a sweet lullaby to my parenting heart.

Remi stirs beside me, a groan leaves his lips. Immediately alerted, I secure our pups by trapping them in between my legs.

I place a gentle hand on my mate, soothing his sleepy restlessness with my touch. Remi turns towards me, popping his eyes open with a continuous flutter of his eyelashes. If that isn't the most precious site, I wouldn't know what is.

"Good morning, love. How are you feeling?" My words are soft, a sweet whisper for him since I am unsure what his groan pertains to.

"My hips ache." Remi rubs his thumbs frantically, in small circles, over the v line that is swollen from his womb.

"Would you like a warm bath, baby?" I stand to set the girls in the bouncers. Walking towards the amazing contraptions, I buckle our twins into the seats, placing a pillow beneath each of their sets of feet. Immediately, the girls start pulling the activity center toys towards their mouths.

"Just help me stand." Remi pleads with a tiny whimper, breaking my heart. My mate doesn't often show pain. The thought has Meka wince in pain. Remi's uncomfortable condition hurts our spirit.

Walking slowly, I guide my mate towards the bathroom. He is obviously experiencing the lovely phenomenon of locking hips. His gait is tight, small steps are barely more than a shuffle of his feet.

I press my hand to his tummy, running my fingertips in a horizontal line across the mound that is forming. My other hand steadies my love by the small of his back. I remember all the mornings that Remi had done these things for me. The small gestures were very fulfilling.

I was and still am, a lucky mate.

After helping Remi work the kinks from his adapting body, I pull the twins into my arms. I help my love to the kitchen so he can nourish our forming pup and himself.

Remi's appetite is in full swing. Several helpings later, my mate practically falls into a food coma. I laugh, shaking my head. He is truly exhausted by this pregnancy.

"We can take the kids for a walk. I'm sure you have Alpha work to do." My mother-in-law plucks Hannah from my arms. My own mother swipes Gracie up from the swing.

I nod reluctantly while covering Remi with a blanket. I really do have a shit ton of work. Being on vacation, Remi's apparent condition and the twins keep me very busy.

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