I Didn't See this Coming

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***Talon's POV***

A pup.

Goddess, what a blessing.

I slide my hand softly across the flat plane of my slight six pack. You heard that. Six pack. Training does a body good!

Remi stirs beside me and his hand overlaps my own. Our fitted hands caress the muscle protecting our offspring.

"I'm so happy." I whisper. My voice is a soft lull against the morning air.

"Me too. Baby, me too." Remi kisses my lips gently after lifting my face to stare down at me.

"I'm hungry." I announce. My tummy grumbles low and deep.

Remi smiles widely and we move to get out of bed. He presses his sprawled hand against the small of my back and we walk slowly out of the room.

He holds my elbow as we descend the stairs, as if I'm so fragile I may blow away like a dandelion in a summer's breeze. I giggle at my own thoughts. We take the stairs carefully to the kitchen.

My mouth water's as we enter the kitchen. The aroma of bacon waft's up my nostrils and I have to slurp back a puddle of drool.

"Hungry?" Mom spins around and looks at me with the most endearing eyes.

"Starving." I nod my head excitedly.

"Sit down. No need to put any stress on that little incubator." Mom coos. She strides over and presses her warm lips deeply into my cheek. She pulls back, cupping my jaw and rubs her thumb over my cheek bone. Her eyes glimmer with adoration.

"I love you so much Talon. You are my beautiful pup." Mom speaks softly and I see her eyes twinkle with glistening moisture.

I lean my head into her touch. My lashes flutter shut.

"I love you, Mama. Always. I will forever be your pup." I rub my cheek against her palm.

"What would you like to eat, Luna?" Mom speaks cheerily.

"Bacon, eggs, hash browns, grits with cheese. And um toast." I bat my eyelashes for extra effect.

"Yes, Baby." Mom nods with a great big smile.

"Baby, you must be starving." Remi runs his finger over my bottom lip. He stares at me like I am the sun, the moon and the luminescent stars.

"I really am." I nod eagerly and pat my tummy softly.

I'm not lying either. I feel like I could eat a whole cow.

Just as my body starts stirring in a completely different hunger, my mom sets a large platter of food in front of me. She pours me a glass of orange juice and hands it off to Remi. Then she sets an identical plate in front of him with another glass of juice.

"Eat up Alpha. You are gonna need the energy." Mom winks and I giggle as Remi's face goes beet red.

Mom scurries around the kitchen barking orders as the pack members file in and empty the contents of each pan. Mom refills the serving dishes over and over. I feel bad because she waits on everyone before she even sips her coffee.

Coffee. Mmmmm.

"Can I have a cup of coffee? Please." I ask Remi.

"One." Remi holds his finger up and wiggles it in front of my eyes. I clap my hands and kiss his structured jaw.

"Cream and sugar?" Dad asks. I didn't even see him come in.

"No sir. Chocolate syrup and cream please." I talk in between shoveling food in my mouth.

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