Goddess Bless

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***Remi's POV***

"Please make it stop?" Talon groans out in irritation.

"Their pups, honey. I can't." I cover my head with the pillow, begging the Goddess to have mercy on our tired adult souls.

"It hasn't ended in a week. A fucking week Remi. Talia cries. So William cries. Then Hannah cries which makes Gracie cry. I'm next Remi. I'm going to be the one crying next." My dear Luna, moodily and exhaustedly whines.

"We might as well get up. There is no point in pretending we are going to get sleep." I take Talon in my arms and drag him down stairs.

"At least is not AS loud down here." Talon grumbles.

I make us coffee and walk outside to the front porch, the farther away from one of the wailing pups the better.

Talon sits down in my lap while I rock us in the wooden rocking chair. My arms rest over his waist and hold him to me at his hip. He keeps his arms circled around my neck. I kiss his forehead gently and continue rocking us.

"Good morning Dad." I greet my father.

"Morning, Alpha." Dad walks over and kisses me and Talon on the head. He takes a seat on one of the rockers.

"Your mom told me not to come." My Dad belts out. His chair coming to a halt, he clasps his hands in front of his knees. He bends down and turns his face towards us.

"Why would she do that?" I ask warily.

"Said you guys would be upset if I butt in." Dad sighs deeply.

"What's this about?" I'm getting all sorts of nervous.

"The pups need to be in the nursery. You guys need to separate them from you. That's why they cry. They want each other." Dad looks at me sadly.

"We are upset." Talon stares at dad accusingly.

"No we are not, Dad. He is just exhausted." I try to tighten my hold on my frustrated baby.

"Don't speak for me." Talon sits up off my lap.

I look at him in warning. I will spank that ass.

"I'm upset you didn't butt in a week ago. I'm tired. I didn't think of that. Now get your asses up and help me get all the pups to the nursery." Talon walks off like he didn't just give orders to two Alphas. Who follow obediently, by the way.

Talon knocks on Lutz' door and walks out with a whimpering William. Dad heads to our suite.

I reluctantly knock on Jace and Ally's suite.

"Come in. Goddess knows we're up." Ally calls.

I walk in and smile apologetically at my Betas.

"Dad wants us to try putting the pups in the nursery. I hope you guys will give it a shot." I offer.

"I would like a shot. Right through my skull. Between my eyes." Jace groans.

"Come on." I pick up Talia and they follow quietly.

We walk to the nursery where the other three pups are crying their tiny heads off.

I set Talia in the large crib with the other three. The crying slows down to whimpers.

I hear a huge sigh and smile at my team of drained parents.

Dad waves us out, handing us all baby monitors. "Now, let's leave and see what happens."

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