Good Idea

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***Remi's POV***

If I told you that pregnancy agrees with Talon, I would be lying. My mate tries so damn hard and yet, his body seems intent on punishing him for incubating our pups. Weeks had came and went with little reprieve.

Ally, Lloyd and now Spence were coming along easily in their pregnancies. However, as Talon grew, he seemed the least comfortable. He is definitely the least healthy.

The pups are doing fantastic. Dr. Gibson said we had an extremely strong Alpha female and what appeared to be a meek and tender Omega.

Their station has no bearing on the love that multiplies in our hearts for our little ones daily. I just won't trust appearances. I mean let's be real, Talon presented as an Omega, yet here we are Demi-Gods.

Elder Ruth says it's perfectly normal for Gods to experience extreme pregnancy. Talon was proof to that theory. His body gets bigger and he gets more exhausted by the minute.

Then there is pregnancy induced depression. Which, Talon is prone to depression and anxiety anyway.

Although my sweet mate swears he has no reason to be depressed, his moods say otherwise. The tears and mood swings verge on unbearable. I can't stand watching him suffer. It puts an indecent strain on our bond.

His feelings filter through me all day. He's sad, angry, and tired. Then, suddenly, warmth washes over me and I feel love, joy and adoration fill me until I think I will burst with the positive aura radiating thru the bond.

I smile at my napping mate and splay my palms over the huge mound that has quickly developed. I nuzzle into his hair and saturate my mind with his delicious scent. His scent has become so prominent I could probably track him across the oceans.

"Remi." Talon squeaks out.

"Morning, beautiful love." I coo into his neck.

"Can you help me to the bathroom?" Talon sits up with a strained groan and stretches. The beautiful arch of his back makes my heart race. It's been too long since we bonded physically.

Kai tells me we are okay. But, my body yearns for the close intimacy with Talon. It strengthens our bond when we merge as one.

Shaking my delightful thoughts, I pick Talon up and steady him on his swollen feet. I don't miss the small groan that slips from his plush lips when he settles into his swollen form.

I walk behind Talon with my hand lightly pressed against his lower back. His warm body pushes tingles up my arm and I smile from behind him.

Talon makes his way to the toilet and does his morning business before waddling over to the sink and brushing his teeth. I gently rearrange his bed head with my fingers as he carries thru with cleansing his mouth.

"What would you like to do today baby?" I ask softly. It's Saturday. As Talon progresses in our pregnancy, I have less duties thrown on my plate. I can spend the whole weekend with my soul mate.

"I wanted to talk to Alpha." Talon looks up at me thru the mirror.

"Okay. I'm sure Dad can handle that." I nod in acceptance.

"I also want food, a massage and um, I need something else. Like NEED!" Talon blinks rapidly at me. I could just awe at his precious features.

He is so hot.

"What's that love?" I spin Talon slowly so he faces me. I ask with a kiss to his beautiful lips.

"I need to have sex. Like a lot of sexy time." Talon blushes as he makes his request.

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