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***Remi's  POV***

"Thank you." I kiss both my parents and in laws on the cheeks.

"Go. Have fun. You have earned it." Dad pushes Talon and I towards the car.

I wrap my arm around my mate excitedly.

"Are you sure?" Talon looks at me worriedly. His eyes are watery.

"It's been six months since we had pups. Yes, I'm sure." I pull Talon to the passenger side. I kiss him softly while putting his seatbelt on.

After a few more goodbye waves, I pull out of the driveway.

"Where are we going?" Talon looks sadly out of the window. He watches as the pack territory disappears behind us.

"It's a surprise baby. Just relax." I pat his knee. I give him a soft squeeze of comfort.

"Okay. You're right. I'm sorry." Tal fixes a fake smile over his features. His eyes give him away. He's struggling with leaving our pups.

"Tell me a story." I send my request quickly as a way of distracting my love.

Talon brightens immediately. He turns to me with a boyish grin. He is so beautiful.

"In a land of plenty many were greedy." Talon begins. I quirk my eyebrow at him.

"Hush." Talon giggles. He starts again.

"Many greedy souls sought out more than they deserved. They wanted it all. Money, women, men and land were being taken freely. There was a king. He was fed up with the blatant greed. He made a law." Talon takes a breath. I stare at him in anticipation. I pay attention to the road while trying to urge him to continue.

"The new law was harsh. No one expected it. They knew they had pushed the king far past his patience. They vowed to accept the new rule. Although, no one liked it." Talon pauses again.

"What's the rule?" I ask quietly. I'm eager.

"No more pairings." Talon says it with disdain. My heart squeezes.

"Why that rule?" I ask. It doesn't seem like that would matter.

"If two people were together, they could persuade one another to rise against the king's wishes. Anyways, at first, it wasn't a big deal. Everyone separated. They figured the king would lift the rule at some point. But, they were wrong. So, they chose to uprise. A civil war ensued." Talon gets way too into his story. He starts looking ominously. It's comical. I love it.

"The men went to battle. They came at the king with weapons in droves. The king called his most galant knight. His son. The king's son was a beautiful creature. He had long dark hair that swayed with the gentle whisper of the wind. His piercing blue eyes could hold you in a trance. His smile was very seldom seen. Barington, the son, was a massive man with hidden strength. Although he was tall his muscles were subtle. Many misjudged his ability." I stop the car at a diner. We step out and head into the building.

"You can continue the story while we eat." I'm interested to see where he is going with this.

Talon nods. He takes a seat at the booth. We order quickly.

"Barington was a loner. No one had ever caught his eye. In his twenty three years, not a soul made his or her way into his heart. He wanted to be a fighter. There was no space for love in his heart." Talon stops to thank the server for his drink. I nod and smile.

"Barington took the field against the crowd of warriors. Young and old, the men were plenty. All faced off against Barington and his small group of fighters. The fight was a blood bath. Men fell to their knees. Heads rolled, literally. Barington barely broke a sweat while he took life after life." Talon stops again. This time he grabs his plate from our server's hands. He sets it in front of him. Talon begins eating. I'm left wondering how he comes up with this shit on the fly.

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