Cranky Mate

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***Remi's  POV***

"Be quiet. Why are you obnoxious?" I am so frustrated.

"You're cranky, mate." Kai guffaws. He is in a mood. I'm in one myself.

"Just find something else to do. I'm tired." I close off our mind link. Kai snickers with a roll of his eyes.

"Baby, what is wrong?" Talon pushes a cup of tea into my hands. I kiss his lips, sighing as the tingles dance between our mouths.

"Kai is aggravating." A huff leaves my lips.

"I don't think he is. You have been on edge ever since we got home. Is something bothering you?" Talon walks behind me. His magic hands massage my back. It's fucking killing me. I'm aching. It's really pissing me off.

"I'm just tired. Is that so much to comprehend?" I shrug Talon's hands off of me. I'm going to lay down. I don't have to put up with anyone's attitude.

Throwing my body across the couch, I turn to my side. I am taking a damn nap.

My sleep is interrupted. It makes me seethe. Who the fuck wakes a sleeping Alpha?

Cocking my eyebrow, I glare at the culprits.

"Why? I asked for a nap. Is there something to look at? No. There is not. Go away." Fuck. Please let me sleep.

I close my eyes, convincing myself that I will be able to go back to dream land.


"Remi, you're really not yourself. Can I get Dr. Gibson?" Talon wrings his hands. His voice is innocent, worried.

Realizing that I am taking out my ill temper on my mate, I open my arms for him. Talon climbs into my lap, wrapping his arms around my neck.

"I love you Remington. I'm just worried." Talon kisses my neck. I pull him down onto the couch, tasting his lips. My body shows how he affects me. I start rutting against him.

"Babe. Everyone will see us." Talon quietly chastises me. I don't care. No fucks to give for anyone.

My hand slides down the back of his pants. I push my finger against his entrance.

"Go upstairs. Take a nap." Talon gets off my lap, leaving me baffled.

I nod my head with reluctance. I can barely handle my mood; I guess no one else wants to deal with it either.

Following the stairs up to our suite, my eyes close. My head spins, making me feel nauseated. When the banister begins to move away from me, I panick. A shriek leaves my mouth causing noise to fill me head.

I don't register I am falling backward until two pairs of warm hands meet my side. With swimming voices in my head and unsteady feet, I struggle to grip reality.

"Baby." Talon's voice cuts straight through the ones of my pack. I want to answer him, however I know I will puke if I open my mouth.

"I'm taking you to Dr. Gibson." Talon pick's me up, his body lets out a small grunt under my weight.

A shift of arms alerts me that Talon handed me to someone else.

"It's okay son. Just relax." Dad's voice is soothing although, he is panicked.

As the waves of nausea dissipate, I find myself laying on a hospital bed. There is a first time for everything, at least in my adult life. I silently wait to be examined.

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