An Omega's Heart

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***Talon's POV***

The weekend got here quick. We shuffle around the territory getting prepared for the job of hosting another pack.

Spence seems okay. He's a little quiet. He's also still really tired. I don't remember being as tired as him. However, I have never been administered wolfsbane. I don't know the negative effects it has on his body.

Thinking of it just makes me want to decapitate Malik with my own hands. Unfortunately, that's already been done.

"What's making that yucky grimace settle on my Luna's face?" Spence smiles and I return it.

"Just thinking. No big deal." I set out some more chairs around the fire pit.

"I'm glad we're doing this. Thank you. Alpha too." Spence rubs his belly and shifts on his feet.

"Do you need to sit down?" I push him towards a chair.

"Yeah. My hips aren't adjusting properly to our pup. It's a bit uncomfortable." Spence pushes his feet out in front of him. He scoots around in the chair.

I pick him up and walk him to the porch. I set him down on the swing.

"Better?" I ask while adjusting his feet and sliding a pillow behind his back.

"Actually, yes. Thanks Luna." Spence leans back and I can visibly see him relax.

I take a seat in the rocking chair beside him and start a gentle rhythm.

"Hey, babe. I was looking for you." Remi walks up the porch. He stands in front of me looking like a whole meal.

"Just letting Spence get a break." I smile at the love of my entire world.

"Alpha Ramon said they are on the way. We are almost finished setting up. I just wanted to see if you needed any help." I shake my head. Remi takes the seat in the chair beside me.

"Good timing." Mom walks up with a very upset Hannah. I take the pup from her hands and position her in mine.

"Shhhhh. Princess. Daddy has you." I kiss her softly. She fits into my shoulder perfectly and calms down.

"Sometimes, Daddy is all it takes." Mom smiles at me. Remi walks off and comes back with Gracie. She is still much smaller, although she eats more.

"A few more weeks." Spence sighs and rubs his bump.

"Baby. Are you okay?" Lyle joins us. He moves Spence's feet and puts them in his lap as he sits down.

"Yeah. Just my hips. I swear for having such a tiny pup, he sure is causing distress. I wish I could grow bigger so he has more room." Spence let's off ample amounts of worry. It's clearly bothering him.

"I know baby. Don't worry. Just get through the last few weeks. Soon, you will see what you have fought so hard for. He is going to be so amazing. Promise." Lyle kisses Spence softly.

"I'm not discouraged. I'm just worried. I never thought that having a pup would be so stressful." Spence leans his head back and closes his eyes.

"Are we done, Alpha. I want to take my Mate inside. He needs to relax." Lyle gets a nod from Remi and stands up. He picks Spence up and carries him inside.

Both our pups are sleeping, thank goddess. We stand up and carry them inside as well. We place them in the pack n plays and head towards the kitchen.

"I am thinking." I stare at Remi.

"Always dangerous." Remi chuckles and wraps his arms around my waist.

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