Chapter 2 - Transporting to Starlight

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"Hush child, I'm teasing you! Though, by now, I think marriage might just be the best option for you and Aaron!" Melissa suggested, cheerfully smirking.

Aphmau froze. "M...marriage?! I...I don't know." she admitted.

Was she ready for the next step of their relationship; marriage? Was she ready to be committed to him despite it being fate that brought them together? "Screw fated destinies. I'm my own person and I make my own choices." she muttered incoherently.

"What was that, Aphmau?" Melissa asked.

"I said; screw fated destinies. I'm my own person and I make my own choices, not following fate if I don't want to." she sassed.

"Aphmau, it's fate. You have to follow through with fate. Otherwise, what's the point of fate if you don't follow it?" Melissa stated.

"It's not that I don't want to be with Aaron, I do! I just, don't want it to be out of fate." Aphmau said.

Melissa sighed. "It's your life, Aph. You choose your own path as long as your happy with it." she smiled.

"Enough talk about fate, Melissa! We're here!" Aphmau shouted, planting her face right at the window.

She didn't care if her face was getting window dust on it, she just cared about seeing Starlight for the first time in forever.

When the private jet landed, Aphmau Phoenix took off out of the white jetliner, her suitcase being wheeled quickly behind her; almost as if it flew in the air at the rate of how fast she was running.

Melissa walked and didn't run behind her as the two met up with Melissa and Aaron's dad, Derek. You could say that Aaron was the exact replica of his dad, looking a lot like the elder Lycan.

"Dad. You've met Aphmau, right?" Melissa asked her father.

Derek turned around from his conversation with his wife to glance between his daughter and the short woman in front of her. "Ah, yes. You're Aaron's girlfriend, right?" he asked Aphmau.

She nodded her head lightly. "Yes, sir." she replied.

"When—"A dark brown haired woman with charcoal-tar like eyes interrupted her.

"You can see him after his round of therapy." she stated in a stern kind of tone.

Melissa hugged her brother's girlfriend tight. "You'll be able to see him tonight, okay?" she told Aph.

Aphmau merely nodded in reply. "O..okay." she whispered.


"Here you go, Sylvanna. Take care of them for Aphmau's sake." Katelyn tells a greyed black haired, brown eyed woman, as she hands over three leashes.

"Don't worry, Katelyn. Sylvanna and I can handle these mutts, right Goo Goo bear?" an ultramarine haired man with turquoise colored eyes, looks towards his girlfriend.

"Oh, totally!" Sylvanna smirks. "Now, scoot Katelyn. You'll be late~" she singsongs the last part.

Katelyn groans. "Remind me again, why my dad had to hook up with my best friend's mom..." she mutters, as she walks away from the intertwined couple.

She walks up towards her's and Travis' home and knocks gently.

"Travis?" she asks. "If you're home then unlock this door." she adds, impatiently.

Travis opens the door and rubs his eyes. "Katelyn?" he questions. "I thought you were giving Eli, Alex, and Celestia to Sylvanna and Eric?" he asks her.

"Geez, Travis. What'd you think I just did?" Katelyn deadpans. "Of course, idiot." she shakes her head while she smiles.

"But still, did you pack? We're going to meet Aph at Starlight." Katelyn asks him, seriously.

Travis pulls two suitcases from behind him. "I already did. One for me and one for you, my blueberry." he smirks, while she gives him a death glare.

The two share a laugh. "Let's get going. Starlight's waiting for us." Katelyn says.


As Travis and Katelyn start driving towards the airport, Nana and Zane are doing the same; only they are waiting at the airport for others to arrive. Their heads swivel around to see Lucinda and Kim standing there beside Garroth.

"I told KC." Zane admits.

"Told her...?" Kim questions, giving him a confused expression.

Zane rolls his eyes and huffs slightly. "I told her about Aaron." he whispers.

"You told her?! Zane! That wasn't your secret to tell. It was Aaron's!" Garroth yells.

"Relax big brother. I know that." Zane replies.

Kim, KC, and Nana just sit there, watching the two guys talk rather loud.

"But why, baby brother?" Garroth asks him.

Zane sighs. "Because I trust her." he admits.

"Oh, you trust her? Is that the price of Aaron's secret?! Her trust!" Garroth shouts.

"Garroth, calm down." Kim tries to intervene but to no avail did it work.


Five hours later.

As a white private jet loaned to the group by Derek Lycan lands peacefully on the runway leading up to a dock where a fancy white boat is docked beside. Derek Lycan stands on the dock with his wife, Rachel beside him. Their werewolf ears and tail sway lightly in the gentle breeze that flew by every now and then.

KC and Zane walk down the steps first followed by Lucinda and Kim, then finally Garroth, Travis, and Katelyn. Each person is dragging their own set of luggage behind them via the tiny wheels the suitcases had.

Travis breaths in the air and smiles happily. "You know what this smells like?" he asks.

"Tacos?" Katelyn says, sarcastically.

"Summer?" Kim responds, practically guessing.

Travis nods in agreement to Kim's answer. "Summer! It's like the perfect summer getaway! Nothing can happen that will ruin this perfect vacation!" Travis comments.

He runs ahead with his luggage flying behind him, as Katelyn struggles to keep up with the demon warlock.

"Travis! Wait up!" she yells, as her friends all look at each other before shrugging.

"If you'll follow us, we'll take you to where you'll be staying." Rachel says.

She starts to walk forwards, leading the way to a fancy log beach house mansion. Rachel pushes open the door, holding it wide open so that everyone could walk in before she closes it shut after Derek enters.

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