Chapter 18 - In The End |Part Two|

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Travis walks into Blade's room, again for the third time. He is still waiting for the now eighteen month old boy to wake up. So far, he hasn't and that worries Travis greatly.

"It's been six months and there's still no change." Travis complains.

"He'll wake up when his body wants to." Rowan says. "But for now, we need to be discreet. We can't alarm the public." he adds.

"Rowan's right, Travis. As much helpful as we want to be, the best thing we can do now is wait." Toby says.

He's still clad in his Guardian Force uniform as he has yet to change out of it. Rowan is clad in a summery outfit that consists of a palm tree t-shirt, khaki shorts and sunglasses over his eyes like usual. Travis is actually wearing the very outfit he came to Starlight with, but with a green and blue striped shirt.

"Derek?" Rowan asks the man.

He sits in a chair, averting his eyes to anywhere but the unconscious boy. "It's my fault." he mutters.

"Derek, it's not your fault. It's Michael's." Travis states. "He messed us all up and quite frankly, he messed up the whole Lycan Family!" he adds, angrily.

"Travis calm down." Toby warns.

Travis takes a deep breath. "Do we know when he'll wake up?" he asks.

Toby shakes his head. "Holly doesn't know when he will. It's a matter of time. Those burns on his body though," Toby says, "I've seen them before." he admits.

"You have?" Rowan asks.

Even he's never seen these burns until he saw Blade and Aaron. Both father and son had the bold purple burns all over their bodies, though, Aaron's were healed due to the witch and the ghost thing.

"Yeah. Your father, Conner, had them before he was killed." Toby says.

"Did he now? Hm." Derek replies.


"How's Katelyn doing?" Aaron asks Aphmau the minute she walks in the door.

She shuts the door behind her. "She's handling but it's not the same without Travis." she mutters.

"I know." he says.

In a playpen that sits in their living room, in front of their couch is Alina. She sleeps soundly with cute occasional snores coming out of her mouth.

"Morning!" Melissa shouts, as she barge into their house.

"Melissa!" Aaron and Aphmau shout in unison and gesture to Alina's sleeping body.

"Oh," Melissa tones her voice down so it's barely audible, "whoops." she says, sheepishly.

"Any news on him?" Aphmau asks her.

Melissa shakes her head. "He hasn't woken up yet and Holly's afraid his void burns will never heal." she explains.

"My poor baby!" Aphmau shouts, as she sobs softly in Aaron's arms, which are wrapped around her tiny waist.

"I'm sorry." Melissa apologizes.

"It's fine, Sis." Aaron tells her.

"How's Max doing?" she asks.

She hasn't seen her son in months as she was visiting Blade before Derek told her to leave the island. She took whatever they told her about his condition back with her to relay to his parents.

"Max's doing fine." Aphmau sniffles. "He's getting along with the other kids." she adds, with a small smile.

Melissa smiles back. "Great!" she replies.


Ten years later.

"Aphmau...wake up!" Katelyn yells. "Travis is coming home today!" she shouts, happily.

Aphmau jumps out of her bed a little too quickly as Aaron groans.

"DADDY! WAKE UP!" a voice shouts, as she jumps onto Aaron. "IT'S PAST NOON!" she adds.

"Alina..." Aaron warns.

"Yes daddy?" Alina asks, giving her best puppy dog face.

Aphmau stifles her laughter as does Katelyn.

"Alina! Phew, I finally caught up to you!" a white haired girl with light teal eyes pants, bumping into her mother.

"Oops, sorry Mom." she apologizes.

"Destiny, why don't you and Alina go wait outside, she's energetic right now." Aphmau tells the girl.

Destiny nods. "Okay! C'mon Alina!" Destiny shouts, as she grabs hold of Alina's arm, and runs outside.

"Travis is coming home today and he's probably got Blade with him." Katelyn says.

Aaron's eyes widen. "That's today?! I thought that was tomorrow!" he panics for a second.

"For someone who got their full sight back, you're awfully dense at times." Aphmau comments.

Aaron shoots her a glare as she responds by giggling.


Aphmau stands on the docks of Phoenix Drop with her hands folded in front of her and Aaron stands beside her with Alina playing with Destiny a few feet away. They watch the boat come to a stop as Travis jumps off.

Once he lands, Aphmau and Katelyn run to hug him. They break the hug a few seconds later.

"I missed you, you dork." Katelyn tells him.

"I missed you too, my blueberry taco." Travis flirts back.

Katelyn rolls her eyes as Destiny walks up to her. "Mom? Who's this?" she asks.

"Your dad, Travis." Katelyn grins, noticing Travis's sudden shocked expression.

Destiny hugs him. "Hi! I'm Destiny, your daughter!" she giggles.

Travis hugs her before he breaks the hug and turns to Aphmau and Aaron.

"Call Alina over." he tells them.

"Alina?" Aphmau calls, as her daughter comes running towards them.

"Yeah?" she questions.

Travis smiles. "Ready to see him?" he asks the couple.

"Beyond ready!" Aphmau says and Aaron nods in agreement.

"Okay." Travis replies and turns his back to them, facing the boat. "It's okay to come out now."he says.

Toby and Rowan step off the boat as a raven haired boy with pure golden eyes and dark brown tips in his hair steps off last. He is wearing a jet black sweatshirt with red cuffs and a red hood. The Lycan family crest is sewed onto the back and shoulders in the same red as the cuffs and hood.

The minute he steps off, Aphmau and Aaron run up to him. They engulf him in a bear hug as a pair of black werewolf ears with blood tips appeared on his head.

"Sorry, they come out when I get nervous..." he trails off, shyly.

"It's okay Blade. We're just happy your home." Aphmau tells him.

"Yeah, home." Blade smiles.

He hides his ears with his hood, something he had learned all on his own.

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