Chapter 21 - PDH Rebuilt! |Part One|

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Several years later.

"Aaron! Can you believe it! Phoenix Drop High is rebuilt under a new name!" Aphmau shouts as she stands up from the couch.

On the television is a local news station that Garroth works for —Falcon3 news.

"What's the name?" Aaron asks her.

"Divine Phoenix High School. You think we could enroll Blade and Alina there?" Aphmau says, hearing on the news that the school is open for enrollment.

Aaron slices another piece of tomato with the sharp chef's knife that's in his right hand. "I don't see why not." he responds.

Aphmau smiles big. "Yay! Oh, I'm late for work. Love you bye!" she says and kisses his cheek before snatching her purse and coat and runs out of the door.

"Where's Mom going?" Alina asks, already clad in her usual weekend outfit.

"Work." Aaron replies. "Hey, are you and Blade hungry?" he asks with a slight grin on his face.

Alina shrugs. "I am but I don't know about Blade. I haven't exactly seen him all morning." she says.

Her dad nods. "Well, I'm gonna go find him, eat up." he says and slides a plate that has a roast beef sandwich with lettuce, extra sharp cheddar cheese, and a tomato slice over to her.

She licks her lips. "Look's good! Thanks Daddy!" she calls and eats her sandwich hungrily.

Aaron grabs his car keys and phone before kissing Alina's head and racing to the door. "I'll be back in a little while. Be good and no parties." he tells her, sternly.

"Okay, Daddy. I'll be a good girl." Alina mumbles through eating.

He opens the door and shuts it close, making sure it's locked before he makes his way to his car —a dark red sedan— that sits in the driveway.

Aaron opens the driver's side and gets in. He sighs loudly, he has no idea where to even start as he doesn't exactly know his son well. "Blade, I hope your okay."he mutters and puts the red sedan into reverse and backs up.

He puts the car into drive and drives off.


"The name's Brave Pyscho." the werewolf with raven hair and crimson eyes shouts as he shoves Blade, yet again.

The now fifteen year old is stronger, more fierce, and even more powerful than ever before. He's still hesitant about showing his ears and tail mainly because he fears the reaction people will depict.

He shoves Brave back. "I don't care if you're Bigfoot. I just care that you're fighting me." Blade replies and swipes him to the floor, using his leg.

Aaron pulls up to the park, only to see Blade fighting Brave and successfully wining. He stops the car and stares.

"You might seem like you're the big bad alpha, but I know you aren't. Hell, you're not even an alpha at all. You're just a wimp. A loser." Brave whispers to Blade.

He fights the urge to let his ears and tail out as well as letting his eyes change. The sole efforts to fight it, fails massively as Blade shuts his eyes just to get kicked to the ground. Brave's fist is about to collide with the side of his face but he catches it with his right hand. He kicks Brave in the abdomen and stands before him with eyes crimson and black ears and tail swaying back and forth.

"Wh...what are you?" Brave asks.

"Werewolves like you are the reason the world hates us so much. It's people like you who force us to hide ourselves from everything and everyone." Blade says, breathing heavily from earlier.

"You know, I heard rumors. Didn't think they were real until now." Brave says.

He whips out two small daggers that both have a purple jagged blade and a gray handle with a piece of red tied around the handles.

"What rumors?" Blade asks.

"The rumors..." Brave starts to say as he takes a step forward. "...about the Ultima." he finishes.

"Don't act stupid, Lycan. I know you are an Ultima because of your dad's petty fight with my dad." Brave whispers, loudly.

He grins as he kicks Blade, twice in the same spot he was kicked—the abdomen. Just as Blade tries to stand up, to get back on his feet, Brave jabs one of the daggers into his abdomen.

Blade holds back a scream and only grunts as one of his hands immediately flies to the wound.

"I told you before, Lycan. Stay down where you belong." Brave sneers and jabs the other dagger in his left side.

Aaron rolls down the window just in time to hear a ear-spitting wimper.

"B..Brave...d..don't." he hears Blade say.

"Good luck getting out of that, Ultima." Brave smirks and laughs as he makes his way out of the park, leaving Blade where he is.

Aaron waits until Brave is completely out of the park before he opens the the door, slamming it shut and racing towards the area where he watched the fight  occur.

"Blade!" he shouts.

Blade, despite the intense amount of pain he's in, lifts his head at Aaron's direction. "D...Dad?" he whispers.

"I'm here, buddy." Aaron whispers back once he's at his side.

" hurts." Blade says, quietly.

"I know, Blade. Just hang in there...." that's the last thing Blade hears before his hearing fades to nothing and his vision is lost to darkness.


"9-1-1 what's your emergency?" an operator says once someone dials the three numbers on their phone.

The person glances at Aaron, who's putting pressure on the boy's wounds. "A teenager...he was stabbed. Twice." the person takes a shaky breath, trembling with the phone.

"Okay, what is your location?" the operator asks.

"Phoenix Drop City Park." the person responds.

The person walks over to Aaron and puts the phone on speaker, sliding it to the man. "Take it." he mouths to Aaron.

"If there's an exit wound, are you applying pressure?" the operator asks.

"Y..yeah." Aaron replies.

"Good, keep doing that and watch the breathing." the operator says.

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