Chapter 11 - "Be careful."

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() One day later ()

News of Rachel's death reaches everywhere as Aaron jumps awake by Aphmau tapping his shoulder.

"Aaron?" she asks, her voice barely a whisper.

Across from the couple is a sleeping Blade, who has his arms tightly wrapped around a stuffed worm he calls "Wormy".

"What is it?" he asks.

She points to the window as a helicopter flies by. Aaron's eyes widen as the white haired man walks in, holding a dark gray suitcase in his right hand.

"Kid. Wake him. Now." the voice commands.

Aaron immediately makes his way to his sleeping son and gently shakes him awake. Blade let out a soft groan as he sits up, tilting his head at Aaron. He picks him up and keeps an arm around the one year old.

"We have to go!" Melissa shouts as she barges in with Max in her arms. "They got in!" she adds.

"Who's with everyone?" Aphmau asks, worriedly.

Melissa takes a deep breath. "Kim is with Lucy and Garroth. KC's with Zane and I'm with you guys." she explains, quickly.

"Melissa, go with Aphmau and Zane. You two have sons that need someone with them. Aaron, go find the Meif'wa and stay with her." the old man says.

Aaron hands Blade to Aphmau as she kisses his cheek. "Be careful, both of you." he tells them.

"You as well, bro." Melissa replies.

The two werewolves make sure they have a secure grip on their sons before the old man turns to Aaron, handing him the suitcase. "Don't open it until it's time." he says.

Aaron nods and races to the door with Kawaii~Chan beside him, helping keep it shut. "Go! Get out of here! Take Blade and Max and get them out!" he shouts at his fiancée and sister.

Melissa and Aphmau share a look with one another before walking towards the balcony doors. "This might be a bit tricky." Melissa comments.

"Yeah, no kidding." Aphmau replies.

The banging on the door startles everyone as the door bangs open.

"Go!" Rowan shouts at the two woman.

He tries to hold back some officers so Melissa and Aphmau can leave. Despite being old, Rowan punches an officer in the face as he notices Aaron had dragged Kawaii~Chan out of the room.

His back is turned so he can watch Aphmau and Melissa, making sure they were safe with the kids with them. He sighs as the four are safe and out of harm's way for now. "Take care." he mutters.


Melissa takes a deep breath and looks over to her right to see Aphmau also hanging from the edge of a balcony.

"You hanging in there?" a voice asks, as Aphmau and Melissa swivel their heads to see Zane hanging from a balcony as well.

"Now is not the time for puns!" Aphmau shouts.

"She's right! We need to get down lower!" Melissa yells.

A helicopter flies past them with its spotlight trailed to the ground and side of the building.

"Excuse me, little one." they hear Zane say as he jumps up onto a balcony he was hanging from.

"See if you can make your way over here." he tells the two woman.

Melissa grumbles to herself as Aphmau takes the lead, going slow and steadying her feet to jump onto the next door balcony.


It took the two some time and looking behind them a lot but they made it.

"Floor!" the two heard Blade and Max shout in unison as the two laid on the floor.

"Finally. You made it." Zane says.

"Yeah, it was hard enough with a little boy on your back." Aphmau comments.

"At least they're safe. Did you see N—Kawaii~Chan and Aaron?" he asks.

Melissa nods. "I saw them briefly before Aph and I jumped. They're together and Kim's with Lucy and Garroth. I think Travlyn is somewhere on the island." she explains.

"Right. We should probably find the others." Zane says.

"Where do we even start?" Melissa questions.

Zane shrugs. He has no idea where to start but he can only hope Nana is safe and sound, after all she was pregnant and they haven't told anyone yet.

"No idea." Aphmau sighs.

Blade sits up and stands up, stumbling his way towards his mom and hugs her leg.

"Mama? U...okay?" he asks her.

Aphmau smiles. "Yeah, sweetheart, I'm fine." she replies.

"I'm going alone. Zane, Melissa, keep an eye on Blade." she decides after a few minutes of silence.

"Alone?!" Zane shouts. "Aph, you'd be killed! Then what happens to Blade? He loses his mother?" he says.

"I know it's risky but it's something I have to do." Aphmau says as she stands up, kissing her son's small head.

"Be careful." Melissa finally says.

"I will." Aphmau replies. "Please keep him safe." she adds, as Melissa nods.

"Don't worry, he's in safe hands." she tells Aph.


Aphmau walks around Starlight with her ears and tail tucked away. She notices Garroth getting held back by a Guardian Force Officer and runs to help him. She pushes the officer back as her ears and tail appeared.

"Stay away." she growls.

The officer nods and runs for his life, leaving her alone with Garroth. "Garroth? You okay?" she asks him.

Garroth barely shakes his head, still in shock. "Y..yeah." he replies, in shock.

It takes him a minute to regain himself as Aphmau takes his hand and drags him up a path. A path she knows well because she knows exactly where it leads. It leads to the cliff Aaron had proposed to her on. But, in the mist of their walk up the path, Dottie runs into her.

"Dottie?" Aphmau asks.

She makes sure her ears and tail are hidden before Dottie grabs hold of her shoulders.

"He has Alpha!" Dottie yells.

"Aaron." Aphmau whispers.

She breaks away from Garroth and follows behind Dottie to a hidden werewolf cave. Inside, is every werewolf in Starlight; including Aaron and Blaze.

"Welcome, sister." a voice she despises, says loud enough for her to hear.

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