Chapter 6: Russia.

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February 10thhhhhh


Alaska nodded his head, and walked over to the gigantic closet near the front door. It had every State's jackets', and it to say it's was chaotic would be a understatement and compliment. There were shoes, jackets, hats, and other things everywhere. Alaska peered into the humongous closet, and the longer the stairs into it, the creepier it looked.

After a few moments of rummaging around, the male finally found his coat, weirdly next to an entire cake. He tried his best to ignore how good it looked, put his black jacket on, and walked back into the living room, where his siblings and father were. They vvvill have vfffun chasing vvwhoevvver finds it.

"Are vvvou readyyy?" He asked America, zipping his coat up.

"Yes." America responded. The States were still piled on the couch, but snapped out of their funk when they realized that their brother and father were about to leave without them saying goodbye.

"Ye can't leave without sayin' goodbye!"

And every State piled on their father and brother, as a final goodbye. Even Texas hugged Alaska, somewhat worried for him. Everyone was incredibly worried for Florida-Man, but they hoped that America and Alaska would return safe and sound.

"I'll be checking in on you with the StateBond if we're not back in a few days, and I'll send Nada' over if something happens. Delaware, Iowa, you're in charge." America explained, with everyone muttering that they were okay with that.

Why are they being so cooperative? Normally I would have to bribe them with something...

Hawaii rubbed her glassy eyes and looked to her older brother again.

"*Sniff* Bye-bye Alaska..."

"Goodbye Hivii. I'll be back soon."

And America and Alaska left the house, with The latter putting a hoodie on so no one would recognize him, or be able to see him at first glance.

"It might be longer, but we're going to walk. It decreases the chance of us being followed." America informed his son, walking alongside him. Alaska grunted in acknowledgement.

The two then walked silently for about fourty-five minutes, before they got to a series of houses. "Alaska, this is where the other Countries live. We live away from them so you all stay safe. Proceed with caution." America whispered, adjusting his sunglasses on his eyes, so he was showing his usual calm manner.

He didn't want to admit it, but there were a few select countries he didn't want to run into.

He slumped his shoulders and shoved his hands into his pockets, to seem like he was just walking somewhere. That was how he walked normally, and he hoped no one noticed the figure beside him that had their hood up and appeared to be snooping. That's America for you.

Alaska, wanting to copy his father in looking chill, forced his shoulders to lower, so he didn't look like he was snooping.

That worked, until Russia came out of nowhere.

"Hey, Amerika." Russia greeted, walking over to him and Alaska.

Just at the accent, The poor state froze. Old папа's grandson... (Father's) was what went through his brain. He remembered what happened when he and America visited Soivet those many years ago, and it wasn't all that pleasant. And Alaska thought Russia was just like his grandfather:

Cold hearted, hot headed, stupid, and antisocial.

America noticed and wanted to continue walking, because he knew about how Alaska felt about the Russian's.

He didn't want his son to feel this way, but he couldn't just ignore Russia. The two countries had finally found peace, and were talking to each other like they were actually friends, but that was a bit of a stretch. It made other Countries think there was something more than camaraderie there, because of how fast America welcomed him back from his trip to his homeland, but was shot down when they saw how America acted towards another.

"Oh, hey Russia. How are you doin'?" America asked, trying to sound polite, trying to hide the fact that there was someone beside him who wanted to be further away from him than Poland to Reichtangle (Second Reich).

"I Kould be better. Belarus took my vvvodka, so I havvve to get more. how are vou?" Russia responded in English, looking at America, seeming not to have noticed the cloaked figure beside him.

"Eh, just going for a walk..." America trailed off, trying to end this conversation. It looked like the two American's were about to get away, when Russia spoke again. "Vho iz thiz?" Alaska froze, his shoulders going back up, stiffing.

The State was already on the verge of tears, and now Russia expected him to talk to him. Great...

It made Alaska sad. And upset. So he walked up to Russia and stopped right before the country, his hood still on. Alaska was a tall state, so his hight almost matched Russia's, but Russia couldn't see anything other than his dark blue chin because his hood was so far down, but he didn't really care either.

America looked nervous: he knew how different Alaska was towards the Russian's then to his own family, and it was kind of scary. "I-I think we should-" America tried to say when he heard a loud slapping sound.

Alaska had slapped Russia.

"VVou are an Мудак." (Ásshole) He spat, then walked away, tears presumably running down his face.

Russia still stood in shock, and rubbed his cheek, which was now red. "A-Amerika, vho vvvas that? He spoke Russian..." he said, rather softly. Russia was shocked, for no one had ever slapped him like that. "Sorry Russia, I can't talk now, go ask Union-Union!" America yelled, speed-walking after his son.

Russia stood there for a good three minutes, then realized that a complete stranger slapped him. He muttered profanities as he continued on his way to get his Vodka, buying twice as much as he was going to get originally.

"Please, slow down!"

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