Chapter 3: One crazy brother and his pet crocodile.

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This one is rather short, because I didn't really want to clump everything in...


Forty minutes later Texas ran upstairs to America's room.

None of the States had went into Florida-Man's room, thinking that the crazy man with the Red Cross and state seal as a flag taught Sincerely to try and eat them (he probably did teach the crocodile to do that at some point).

They also didn't want to be weirded out by Florida-Man's random assortment of things, so he had his own room. It was an unspoken rule that anyone who went into his room and came out both mentally and physically okay would receive a literal cake as a token of gratitude for being alive.


Texas busted open America's room door like he was a policeman, arms flailing and everything dramatic.

"Pa! Florida-Man 'asn't come down yet. Whadda'- wait. What are ye doin'?" Texas asked, his different shaped eye pupils flashing confusion at what his father was doing. America had his head in a gigantic orange bucket/box of random things, and it looked a tiny bit weird to the average person. Texas couldn't even see his head, and was lowkey creeped-out.

"I-Umm, I'm looking for something. Florida hasn't come down yet?" America questioned, taking his head out of the assortment of random things. His eyes were closed shut as she shock his head, making sure nothing was on his head before he put his sunglasses back on and looked to Texas.

"No. Whadda' we do?"

"I'm going to check his room, and if he's not there we are all going to search this house top to bottom to look for him," America explained, sounding so serious that he even slightly surprised himself. The Texan was surprised as well. America was only ever like that if something was seriously wrong, but Texas hoped he was mistaken with that assumption.

They left America's room, and the young state couldn't contain his excitement any more.

"Y'all! Pa is goin' into Florida-Man's room!" Texas yelled, and America didn't even make it to Florida's room before every State in the entire house was now on the third floor. They were excited- and worried- about what was in their brothers room.

The last time anyone other than Florida or Sincerely went in there was about three months ago, when Alabama stupidly went in there to get his red bandana that Florida-man took. He was shot at as soon as his foot entered, and was instantly knocked unconscious.

It was a miracle Florida-Man cared about his brother, or he would have switched from his Nerf-ammo to real bullets.

...Or would he have?

Florida was a strange state, and no one other than Iowa and America could even partly understand him, and that was far-fetched.

"Dad, please be careful. You don't know what dangers are in his room,"

"What if Sincerely rips his arm off?"

"Is Florida-Man even in there?"

"What if Alabama is in there with him- HEY!" Nebraska yelled when someone swatted her arm. "I'm right 'ere!" Alabama yelled at his sister, his baby blue eyes clearly showing he was unamused at that comment.

Sure, it was known that Alabama had legalized first-cousin marriage, but he wasn't the only state. And he didn't have any romantic feelings towards Florida either, but for some reason, everyone teased him for it. It's not like it was his fault he shipped his family members together.

It wasn't his fault Florida seemed to have an interest in both males and females. No one actually knew what sexuality they were, because America hasn't even let his States visit their homeland as regular people (normal humans see StateHumans and CountryHumans as normal human beings, not them in their flag-forms).

The American Country was paranoid another Country who was visiting America would see them in their flag form and start asking questions. Especially if either of them were the EU, UN, or Great Britain.

"Guys, you need to be quiet. If Father needs help we won't hear him," Iowa said to her siblings, and every State quickly shut their mouths and watched for America. "Thanks Iowa," The country said, walking closer to Florida-Man's room.

America grabbed Florida's doorknob, and turned it, half expecting it to start a chain reaction, and half expecting it to be locked. He paused for a few seconds, then opened the door. It's not locked... he thought, putting that fact in his mental notes. Once America realized nothing was going to harm him, he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. So did the States.

After a few seconds of gaining his confidence, America slowly walked into the room, not wanting to trigger anything. The States had piled on top of each other, trying to see into their brothers room. Their eyes went everywhere, and when America weirdly weaved his was to the centre of the room, so did his.

"Where is Sincerely?"

"Why are his half his room painted pink and the other half blue?"

"Huh, Florida-Mans' room looks almost normal! He actually has a bed!"

"Except for that gigantic looking box over to dads right..."

America snapped his attention to where his States were now looking, and saw a gigantic box in the corner. It was probably originally black, but it had scratches all over it and had red paint randomly in blotches all over. At least, he hoped it was red paint.

America lifted his glasses up just so he could see the box properly, then quickly put them back on, relieved he was facing away from the door where his children were, and walked over to the box. "Dad, are you going to open it?" New York grunted out his question, because the blue-skinned male was getting tired of his siblings piling on top of him to see into Florida's room.

America didn't respond to his son, but he reached his hand so it was on the handle of the box. He lifted, but the box didn't open. The country then noticed that there was a keyhole, and he didn't have the key. So he let go of the box. "We need a key," He finally said, causing most of the states to whine in disappointment. He stood up and walked back to his children, dissatisfaction on both his and the States face's.

"Florida is not in here, search the house. If no one finds him in fifteen minutes, meet me in the living room. And search for Sincerely too," America then told them, that same seriousness in his voice.

And everyone started to look for their crazy brother and pet crocodile.

"Wait, does this mean that dad gets a cake?"

"Did someone say cake???"

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