Chapter 7: The cold, hard ground.

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February 17thhhh

Happy Family Day!


"Please, slow down!"

America ran after his son, trying to get him to stop.

Alaska was letting his tears fall freely, going in the direction the two were walking in before Russia came and tried to converse with them.

"N-Nyet," (No) Alaska shakely responded, not turning around or stopping. America then ran in front of his son, and turned around. He grabbed Alaska's face, and pulled the hoodie back a bit so the blue state had to look with his orbs into America's sunglasses.

Alaska's face was completely broken. And it wasn't just his face...

As soon as he saw America, his crying only got worse. He broke down, and grabbed on to His father, pulling him into a hug. The country hugged back immediately, but then felt Alaska's full weight on him.

The States legs had given out, so America lowered to the cement ground, and sat down, letting his coldest son confide in him.

Alaska started to mumble in Russian, but it was too quiet for America to pick up and translate in his head. He rubbed circles on Alaska's back, and kept him in his embrace until his son's sobs were merely hiccups. He let go, and looked to the state with the Big Dipper on his dark blue flag.

"Better?" He asked, smiling. He was happy his son was letting his emotions out, because he would never do that around Hawaii, because she would worry for him, and he didn't want that. Alaska didn't want anyone to worry about him ever; the State somehow got it in his head that because he was adopted, America didn't love him as much as he loved his siblings. However, in his heart, he knew that was merely poppycock.

"Y-yes. Let's go," Alaska shakily responded, standing up and helping America up. The country knew this would not be the end of it, but the two American's had to save their son and brother, so he led Alaska away from the houses, and into the darkened woods that lay close by.

Thank goodness no one else saw them.


The two had been walking for a few hours now, and if you looked up you could only barely see the sky darkening. America and Alaska were still in the woods, and although Alaska didn't say it, he was worried if America knew where he was going.

"Ve have been walking for a vhile now..."

America then stopped, which caused Alaska to as well. The country then plopped his bottom on the cold, hard ground, and crossed his legs. "Vhat?" Alaska asked, confused.

Sure, his family did some weird things and random times, but was sitting down in the middle of the woods really appropriate at this time?

America didn't respond to his son, and he closed his eyes like he's done so many times before. He had a connection to the Library, and just like how he could feel his States' presence, he could feel how far away he was from his destination, because the Library was hooked to his own essence, from when he first visited there.

Not far... He thought, then opened his eyes. He stood up, but almost fell over. Good thing Alaska was there to catch him. America looked woozy, but if Alaska had looked at his eyes, he would of had a heart attack. Good thing America almost always has his glasses on.

"Are vou okay?!" The State asked, clearly worried for his father.

Yes, America could feel his States' presence with no problem as many times as he wanted, but if he wanted to establish a connection where they could talk back to him, or if he was trying to feel the presence of the Library, that took his own strength. And a lot of it.

He didn't want Alaska to have to worry about him; the State already had so much on his mind, so America balanced himself and stepped away from his son, and explained that he was fine.

He had made sure his glasses were on properly, so Alaska didn't see the state of his eyes. A few seconds later America felt himself go back to normal, and he relaxed.

Alaska didn't believe a thing about his father being okay, but he let it slide. They needed to find Florida-Man.

They walked for another hour or so, not getting further then a few miles, because America kept stopping to regain his posture, or balance himself.

The sky had almost completely darkened, and you could only barely see 20 meters ahead of you. It had gotten colder, but it didn't bother Alaska as he was the coldest State. America then stopped for what seemed like the hundredth time, and looked down.


The American country lowered himself to the ground, where there were cold leaves and dirt. They were pretty far into the woods now, so it would probably take a good four or five hours to navigate your way out. America brought his hands to the ground, and wiped it, clearing the leaves and dirt away. Alaska just watched with confusion, until he saw something.

Something metal.

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