Chapter 13: Driving with a Scary Commie and a Scared Canadian.

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Monday April 6thhhhhhhh

Ugg- This chapter is going to be rather short because I just got a bunch of things assigned and may have spent a whole day being lazy and watching edits...


Canada drove in his car with a very weirded out Soviet Union. Right before Canada started the car, he reached down to the pedals and pulled out three glass bottles of Maple Syrup, and USSR could only wonder how many were in the car.

It was a very awkward trip to America's place for both countries I'm the beginning, USSR was still baffled from the Maple Syrup, and it would take at least three minutes for him to realize his surroundings once again.

Canada was about to put on a mixtape from America to play music to stop the deadly silence, but USSR cleared his throat, and hushed the Canadians' thoughts directly.

It wasn't a secret: Canada was scared of the Russian, and was not afraid to admit it. He kept thinking that the Retired Country was going to do something terrible to him- like throwing his Maple Syrup out the window- simply because he could.

Canada was almost shivering with fear: He had a relationship (still platonic) with Ukraine and Kazakhstan because they weren't like their scary Commie father, at least in Canada's eyes they weren't.

He didn't know if he would make it out of the situation alive or not, but he needed information. After five minutes of gathering all his courage, he spoke a sentence to Soviet.

"Um- Mr. S-Soviet Unio-n? H-How... Do y-you kn-know about Ame's S-States?" Canada asked, quivering. He had absolutely no clue if the question bothered the Russian, but if it did, then Canada would be in his deathbed right now. Because he was driving, he couldn't look at the Russian in the eyes, and he didn't necessarily want to either, but glanced over to USSR.

He looked like he was trying to find the right words to use. So Canada, being the nice Country that he was, tried to help the Retired one out. "Um- I can u-understand Rus-Russian..." he stuttered, unsure if Soviet could even hear him properly. "С-Спасибо..." (T-thanks) USSR said, almost instantly relaxing once he was back in his native tongue.

Canada was surprised. The Soviet Union just thanked me... He thought, relaxing the slightest. There were only two reasons USSR thanked him; because he couldn't speak English the greatest and Canada changed his language for him, and because the Canadaian really was one of the nicest countries out there. Maybe, just maybe, he liked the son of Britain.

"Несколько лет назад, когда мне пришлось отдать библиотеку кому-то еще..." (A few years ago, when I had to give the Library to someone else...) Soviet trailed, looking for the right words.

"Я не мог отдать это одному из моих детей, поэтому я выбрал Америку, потому что никто не заподозрит его." (I could not give it to one of my children, so I chose America because no one would suspect him) He kept going, stopping his sentences with a few seconds before starting so Canada would understand what he was saying.

Since when was Ussr so caring?

Я не знал, что он собирается привезти Аляску, но когда он это сделал, я подумал, что другие штаты имеют свою человеческую форму." (I did not know that he was going to bring Alaska, but when he did, I thought that other states have their human form) He said, looking out the window and at the land around them.

Canada was astonished as to why America would take his Child outside, but the Country is very protective of his children, so it must have been for a reason. And because Soviet found out about the States by accident.

"Я был расстроен..." (I was upset) Soviet mumbled, and it was a miracle Canada could even hear him say it. But, it didn't sound like the Commie would be upset at someone who had the same blood as him, at least not for no reason.

"Ты был зол на мистера Э-Эмпайра." (You were mad at Mr. E-Empire) Canada realized, not noticing he spoke in Russian. But for some reason, Soviet didn't yell at him for saying something like that, he simply grunted in agreement and kept looking out the window.

What is he doing to me?

Suddenly, Canada took a turn into a bunch of bushes, and twenty seconds later, the two Countries found themselves at America's house.

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